Nicki Minaj star sign


Known for her rapping and versatility as an artist, Nicki Minaj was born in the Saint James district of Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago and raised in Queens, New York City. She gained public recognition after releasing three mixtapes between 2007 and 2009.

Early on in her career, Minaj became known for her colorful costumes and wigs, her distinct flow, and the use of alter egos and accents, primarily British cockney. In 2010, she released her debut studio album Pink Friday (2010), which was certified triple-platinum by RIAA, and reached number-one on the Billboard 200 chart. Her first top-five single “Super Bass” reached number three on the Hot 100. At the 52nd Grammy Awards, Minaj received the nomination for Best New Artist.

Minaj’s second album, Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded (2012), reached number one on the Billboard 200 chart. Its lead single “Starships” peaked at number five on the Hot 100 chart and has sold more than 6 million copies worldwide. Nicki later released four singles in 2013, including “Pound the Alarm”, “Va Va Voom”, “Turn Me On”, and “The Night Is Still Young”. Her third studio album The Pinkprint (2014) was also number-one on the Billboard 200 chart. Its single “Anaconda” became her second to reach number two on the Hot 100 chart.

In 2017, Minaj became the first female artist to have twelve songs on US Billboard Hot 100 at the same time, appearing in 26th place among all artists with the most entries. Her musical career has been a subject of controversies due to what critics consider her large use of sexual and racial innuendos and stereotypes lyrically, titled to be both empowering and self-empowering for female rappers.

Minaj is among the few artists whose sales have exceeded records of renowned male counterparts, including fellow rapper 50 Cent’s, who was the first to sell over 30 million digital singles worldwide in 2009. As of 2019, Minaj has sold more than 200 million records globally. She has managed to sell out the world’s most-expensive concert tickets twice over for her Pink Friday Tour (2012) and The Pinkprint Tour (2015).

Billboard listed Minaj as the fourth top-certified female rapper of all time, with a total of 11 number ones on their list. Her work has earned her numerous awards and accolades, including a Primetime Emmy Award, a Billboard Music Award, six American Music Awards, a BET Award, a MTV Video Music Award and three Guinness World Records. In 2015, Minaj was included on the annual Time 100 list of the most influential people in the world.

Birth details

Nicki Minaj

Date of birth: December 8th, 1981

Place of Birth: Port of Spain, Trinidad

Time of birth: 12:00

Natal chart calculations

16 Sag 2924 Sag 16
8 Tau 1826 Lib 09
15 Sag 2413 Pis 15
29 Cap 5216 Sag 56
26 Vir 2818 Ari 06
2 Sco 1219 Tau 24
19 Lib 5013 Can 09
1 Sag 2211 Leo 05

Tropical Placidus Standard time observed

GMT: 16:00:00 Time Zone: 4 hours West

Lat. and Long. of birth: 10 N 39 61 W 31

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Natal chart interpretation

Note: The following birth chart interpretation is for entertainment only and should not be viewed as a criticism or attack on the subject of the study. No offense is intended and no slight to character is meant.


The Sun is in Sagittarius from approximately November 22 through December 21. Capricorn is the ruler. Key words are aspiration, love of freedom, exploration–key phrase is, “I see”. The arrow is the symbol of Sagittarius, the sign of honesty and straightforwardness. Sagittarians love freedom and liberty.

Llewellyn George in her book “A to Z Horoscope Maker and Delineator” (Llewellyn Publications, Thirty-sixth Printing, 1974) writes: “In Sagittarius the Sun gives a jovial, bright, hopeful, generous and charitable nature; self-reliant, active enterprising, frank, outspoken, honest, ambitious, persevering and not easily discouraged. Loves liberty, freedom and out-of-doors sports; dislikes a master and will not be driven. Generally has a strong will and is sincere, honorable, earnest, aspiring, energetic, and what she says goes right to the mark. Shows reverence for philosophy and science, has good calculation and foresight and is usually prophetic as to the outcome of movements or enterprises.”

“This gives lofty ideals and a noble aspiring disposition aiming to rise by raising others. It makes the person benevolent, philanthropic and therefore beloved among her associates. Nicki Minaj is often the recipient of honors and appointments to positions of trust, and missions of a delicate nature, nor could a better selection be made, for such people are the souls of honor. This position will also bring success in religion, law and statesmanship for it gives an expansive mind fitted to grapple with the greater problems of life.” (Max Heindel, “The Message of the Stars”, Rosicrucians, 1927).

Nicki Minaj is a positive thinker, energetic and naturally outgoing. Nicki Minaj is a serious thinker, about the well-being of society as well as her own. She places her spiritual laws and ethics above personality–even to the point of overlooking the personal side of life sometimes. She should be aware of her tendency to be overly idealistic, and take advantage of her honest and generous nature so that she can dwell comfortably in the world with other mortals. On the other hand, she often can see into the future and her insights may border on prophecy.

In dealing with the real world, she may often jump to conclusions without taking all the factors into consideration. Her honesty prevents the subtle approach, and her straightforwardness may cause her to be truthful to the point of pain–and she can be more than blunt to her enemies. However, Nicki Minaj is very sensitive, and anxiety, when caused by remorse, can even throw her into a depression.

His expansive nature may take her to un-dreamed of adventures because of her desire to know, to experience, to try her wings, and to have excitement through exploration. She may travel far and fast, either geographically or in thought–or both. Her creative urge is strong, and she likes to have people acknowledge her work and her creative achievements. Nicki Minaj is a charming and agreeable companion, albeit highly independent.

He enjoys friends who are witty, intellectual and enigmatic, but she also needs freedom in any of her friendships and relationships. She would not appreciate a clinging vine or emotionally demanding spouse or partner. She will be most content with someone who shares her ideals, her sense of fun, and her zest for life. It will not be easy for her to find a spouse or partner who can allow her the idealism and the freedom she needs to pursue her many interests, and still give her the deep commitment she will want and demand.

He has big dreams and hopes for the future and they are likely to always be pursuing some distant goal. She has a great deal of faith and trust in life, and failures don’t crush her spirit. She always bounced back from disappointments, often with another bright dream or scheme. She has a playful attitude toward life and is philosophical about her mistakes. She likes to theorize and speculate, but she does have the ability to sense future trends, to see the big picture. However, attending to all of the details and practical requirements of implementing her theories could be bothersome to her.

It may be difficult for her to decide where to focus her attention and her efforts when it comes to choosing a profession or deciding on what goals she wishes to pursue. She may travel around and experiment with many different paths before she settles on a particular career. Or she may go from one project to the next–for once the challenge is gone, she could be very quick to move on.

Commitment, discipline, focus, and concentration are not always her strong points. She can be somewhat irresponsible and disinclined to take on the burdens and limitations of adult life. Delightful as these personality traits are, life is not always fun and games. She will need to learn to apply discipline, stability and some persistence to many of the serious and painful situations that life always seems to spring upon us.


People born with Pisces rising on the eastern horizon deal with life by seeing only the best in any situation. Neptune, the Planet of idealism, vision, and high inspiration, rules Pisces, and the natives may have dreams that have little to do with life as others see it. Pisces is a Water sign in the Mutable mode–emotional and adaptable. The symbol of the sign is two fishes swimming in opposite directions, indicating inability to take decisive action.

People see her as a gentle, sensitive person with a deep understanding of people and a very tolerant and nonjudgmental attitude towards life. She appears to wait, to watch, to feel and to know much, but to be somewhat passive and slow to act. Nicki Minaj is emotional and adaptable. Nicki Minaj is not an aggressive, forceful person, and she intensely dislikes conflict. In a noisy, competitive atmosphere she may appear withdrawn and detached. She will let things work themselves out in their own way rather than by directing or forcing her will upon them.

He seems to adopt a viewpoint of high expectations, and survives by seeing things from an overall perspective that appears naive to more factually oriented people. She can walk through the most difficult times with a clear view of the road ahead, and things just seem to work out for her. Use of confrontation and clear-cut decisions are not the way she handles situations. Since she usually DON’T know which direction to go, she waits–and wait–and wait–until, Lo!, the situation has taken its own direction and solved itself.

People see her as a dreamer. Nicki Minaj is full of idealism and vision, and she may have dreams that have little to do with life as others see it. She puts on rose colored glasses, brightens the colors a bit, and no harsh glare of reality enters her vision unless she so chooses. Nicki Minaj is likely to have an irresistible charm, gentle and kind, and may often be put upon a pedestal. People have difficulty resisting the temptation to go along with her concept of life, since it is so beautiful and child-like, personifying what everyone wants to believe.

This idealistic, visionary personality is great unless the world’s reality intrudes too cruelly. When this happens the crash can be catastrophic. Therefore, she needs to temper her vision with reality. Be extremely careful of alcohol and drugs. Moderation is the watchword here. She needs to learn to deal with reality in all situations, and not persist in seeing herself only through the rose-colored glasses.

Nicki Minaj is super-sensitive to the feelings of others and a good listener. Though she seldom offers solutions, people always feel they were helped by her. Nicki Minaj is emotional, but tends not to internalize the pain of others: rather, she remains empathetic and supportive.

People see her as soft and emotional. She can be stirred as strongly by fictional incidents as she can by real life situations, due to her unlimited imagination. She should do well in vocations which require vision–acting, writing, movies, drama, or TV. She has many of the intuitive qualities for spiritual leadership, though the traditional religions may not appeal to her.

Much as her style appeals to others, relationships are difficult for her, mainly because it is so easy to take advantage of her. She believes only the best of everyone, and will close her eyes to their faults. She attracts all kinds, and she needs to be very discriminative in personal relationships. She will have difficulty in letting go of any that don’t work out. It will be hard for anyone to live up to her expectations, and she probably is very jealous.

When she can temper her idealism with reality, life will be beautiful for her and all those around her. Her way of dealing with life would try the patience of a saint, but it works for her so well that Nicki Minaj is likely to be a smashing success in whatever she attempts.

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Mars, planet of action, rules Aries, and when this combination is found on the second house of money and worth, the mild, sensitive Pisces can become aggressive and resourceful. It can provide a high physical energy level, and a spirit of competition. Lack of challenge, lack of opportunity, and/or delays can cause frustration and aggravation. The keyword here is patience. Fall back upon the Pisces characteristic of waiting it out but take care not to completely lose her motivation.


The third house deals with the thinking mind, communications, study, travel, and writing. When Taurus, ruled by Venus, is on this house cusp, it indicates a sociable and charming manner, love of the arts, diplomacy, and negotiating skills. Nicki Minaj is likely to be the peacemaker. She will probably love to study, to travel, and to meet new people

mailing postcards from every stop. She could be over-indulgent to loved ones. She may not be motivated to do physical activities in the isas of “chores” that need to be done. She should watch out for a tendency to keep the peace at any price, especially if it compromises her principles.


Home life, domestic affairs, and the parent of the opposite sex are the fourth house concerns. When Gemini, ruled by Mercury, planet of intelligence, understanding and communications, is on the cusp, the home life tends to be a center of activity. The home can be both a base for thinking, communicating, learning, and business activities, and/or a place to retreat from these high mental activities.


Fifth house affairs include love sex, children, entertainment, and speculation. Cancer, ruled by the Moon, brings strong emotions to bear upon these fifth house affairs. Feelings can run deep, intuition can be strong, and nurturing and mother instincts are sure to be a part of the natural expression.

Children are important to her, both physical children, as well as children of the mind. They are also likely to display emotional characteristics. Expression of emotions is vital to emotional growth, and writing could be one good method of expression.


Work, service, employee relations, and health are all affairs of the sixth house. Leo, ruled by the Sun, brings great vitality, leadership, opportunity, recognition, and a sense of self-worth to these affairs when it is on the cusp. Good expression of these characteristics will maintain vitality and promote good health, while frustration of positive efforts to express them could result in illnesses, both real and psychosomatic. There will be a need for positive recognition in all the sixth house matters.


Mercury also rules Virgo, the sign of service, detail, and analysis. With Virgo on the seventh house of the public, partner, and mate, it is said that opposites attract. The seventh house is opposite the Ascendant, and there could be a tendency to seek out what is lacking in the personality through seventh house partnerships. With Pisces Rising, the target could be an intellectual type. She will approach the affairs of this house with attention to detail and order.


Venus, planet of love, art, and talent rules Libra. When in the eighth house of death, taxes, inheritance and legal affairs there will be a desire to deal with all these affairs in a fair, sensitive manner. The approach will be from a standpoint of responsibility and justice. She may tend to be a little over idealistic in her expectations of others.


The strong, sensitive sign of Scorpio is ruled by Pluto, the planet of hidden matters, intense feelings, and regeneration. The ninth house deals with philosophy, religion, higher mind, travel, and education. The affairs of the ninth house can be blown out of proportion with the influences of Pluto-Scorpio combinations. These will be approached with extreme intensity and she may need to learn how to lighten up.


The tenth house deals with the career, honor, esteem, profession and recognition. Sagittarius, sign of idealism, achievement, and new thoughts and opinions, is ruled by Jupiter, planet of expansion, “luck”, enthusiasm, and wealth of spirit. With this sign on the tenth house, she will find it almost impossible to fail in her chosen career. Honors and recognition are likely to pour in from achievements related to her profession. Nicki Minaj is enthusiastic, optimistic, and relishes challenges and new goals. This is all likely to be enhanced by a sense of spirituality.


Capricorn, sign of conservatism, ambition, and organization, is ruled by Saturn, planet of discipline and limitations. When this sign is found on the cusp of the eleventh house, friends could be hard to come by. They could either be negative and restrictive, or long-lasting, supportive, and loyal.

There will be very little in-between. She may be hesitant in making friends, and if Nicki Minaj is the least bit insecure, she could attract friends who are the same way. However (and hopefully), she will be positive, selective, and open in her attitude toward others, in which case she will attract friends who will always be dependable and supportive.


When Aquarius, sign of new thoughts and inspiration, is in the twelfth house of institutions, limitations, and hidden matters, it can indicate a high degree of sensitivity, intuition, and psychic understanding.

Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, planet of suddenness, innovation, and the unusual. This combination can help her understand the thoughts of others, and to have flashes of illumination from her own subconscious. If she can develop these gifts, she could have true genius potential, extraordinary psychic powers, and healing ability. Her idealism and vision can translate into practical applications in her life.


The following planetary sign and house positions are determined by HIS birth data. There are 384 variations of these positions, as well as many other variables, but only 25 of them apply to each individual. The possibility of another person having the same combination of positions is practically non-existent.

The Sun and the Moon are known as the “Lights” and are not planets in the technical sense of the word. However, they are the most visible and perhaps more influential in affecting man’s awareness than all of the other heavenly bodies put together. The blend of the Sun-Moon influences, from the signs they are in, and whether they are in aspect or not, are extremely significant to the personality profile of the new life.

The relationship of the Sun and Moon to each other by their position, sign, and aspect and their relationship to the Ascendant can sometimes provide us with an extremely accurate mini-interpretation of the chart. The interpretation of her Sun-Moon combination is printed next. Study it carefully as well as the next three Sun and Moon sign delineations.


Sagittarius is a Mutable Fire sign, while Taurus is Fixed and Earth. The Moon is in her “exaltation” in Taurus. This combination presents a fine wedding of lofty ideals and pragmatic security. Taurus brings the Sagittarian ideals “down-to-earth” and the personality is secure. Nicki Minaj is kind and good-hearted. She appreciates the finer things of life, and is likely to accumulate her share of them. She has the ability to combine practicality with imagination, and artistic talents will be extremely easy for her to express.

Nicki Minaj is likely to be a good cook, and will enjoy good food and drink. A good business person, education and the arts are important to her. Nicki Minaj is romantic and a good lover.


The Sun in the houses represents the departments of life most strongly affected by the individual will and power potential. Ninth house position indicates a dynamic interest in spiritual and religious pursuits, especially in realms of higher education, religion, law, and philosophy. She has a highly intuitive mind, and may have flashes of inspiration that can help her to solve problems. She could have visions of the future that border on prophecy.

Nicki Minaj is likely to be interested in distant places and their culture, art forms, and traditions. She will probably have strong moral convictions by which she guides her life. Her beliefs may not be traditional, and she needs to be extremely careful to avoid any tendency to impose her religious and moral views upon others.


In mythology the Moon is always female as the Sun is always male. In most ancient religions and cults, the Moon represents the female force which reflects the male force of the Sun. In astrology, “she” bestows her indiscriminative influences upon both male and female alike, though each sex might respond to the influences in different ways. The Moon in the signs of the Zodiac indicates the emotional responses to life’s situations. It determines how they are likely to react to external influences and to the actions of others.

In Taurus, the Moon indicates a need for financial and material security. She enjoys eating, drinking, making love, and listening to music. She likes nature the natural world

and wants to be out in it as much as possible. She probably likes gardening, even growing her own food. She will certainly want a “place of her own”, and will probably own her own home. She wants family around, and is strongly grounded in family traditions.

He won’t enter into romantic relationships easily, for when she does she will expect them to be permanent. If they prove otherwise, she will suffer greatly. Nicki Minaj is a romantic at heart, and could be very jealous of a romantic partner. She wants to be the recipient of affection, and will appreciate a partner who is stimulating in the same way she is. This Moon position indicates very good parents and children are likely to be important to her.

Nicki Minaj is ambitious and a hard worker. She likes the good things and is willing to do what it takes to get them. Women with this Moon position may be more influenced toward the older traditional female roles, but will be just as strong and determined to succeed in male oriented roles as well. Male or female, Nicki Minaj is not likely to be a typical “job-hopper” he will prefer to find one job and stick to it.

His emotions tend to be steady and she shows good common sense when handling financial and domestic affairs. Nicki Minaj is likely to have a “green thumb”, and is usually consistent in seeing things through to the finish. Nicki Minaj is fond of good food and material comforts, and needs a stable domestic situation. Nicki Minaj is not eager for change from established emotional attitudes, but she should watch out for a tendency towards laziness and complacency.


The Moon in the houses indicates the areas of daily activity through which her feelings are manifested, and gives clues to the type of activity on the domestic scene. The Second House position indicates that her general emotional well-being is dependent upon material comfort. It indicates a strong need for monetary security to establish a stable home and family situation. She probably has good business ability in matters dealing with food, home and real estate. She needs to watch out for tendencies toward unreasonable possessiveness and jealousy.


Mercury in the signs gives clues to the kinds of concerns that occupy her mind, and reveals her psychological approach to making decisions and conveying her ideas to others. In this sign, it influences her mind to focus on attitudes behind the facts. This kind of approach can give her great insight into social motivation and its subsequent events.

She will be much concerned with education, especially in the fields of religion, philosophy, and law. Nicki Minaj is direct in speech and will say exactly what she thinks. Since her ideas are likely to be near the traditional, she will be respected for her directness. She needs to keep aware that facts are not always attitudes, and not confuse the two or ignore the facts.


Mercury in the houses deals with the practical affairs that occupy her mind, and shows what areas of activity will be influenced by her thoughts and communications. In the ninth house position, it indicates an interest in higher education, or professions requiring advanced degrees. Many teachers and professors have

Mercury in this house. Interest in philosophies can be strong. Her decisions include moral and ethical considerations as well as the practical. She needs to guard against intellectual pride and snobbery, and not allow herself to become dogmatic and sectarian in her opinions and beliefs.


Venus in the signs indicates how she expresses her emotions in personal relationships, and her attitude toward money, personal possessions, creature comforts, and social and aesthetic values. In Capricorn it bestows a sensual, sexual expression, but the relationships are likely to be serious and mature. In the other areas, it inclines her interest toward business, commerce, banking, investments, stocks, shares, professional sports, and executive positions which bring her contact with many people.

Nicki Minaj is likely to have a strong sense of composition in art forms with an attraction to classical music and the traditional art which survives the times. She could be very successful in businesses related to the arts, such as professional sports.


Venus in the houses indicates how she expresses herself socially, artistically, and romantically in the various areas of her life. In the eleventh house, it indicates warm friendships and relationships established through group activities. Kindness gets kindness in return.

She will have many friends of the opposite sex. Friends often become romantic partners and romantic partners often become good friends. Strong alliances with musicians and other artists are strongly indicated.


Mars, planet of energy, gives us information about modes of action as a result of the desire principle. It influences ambition and indicates some forms of expressing our emotional behavior. In the sign Virgo, it gives her much originality in thought and an interest in scientific enterprises. There may be difficulties in her career, but she will plan her actions carefully and execute them systematically, going her own quiet way.

Nicki Minaj is attracted to the healing arts, and may be successful in one of the healing professions. Nicki Minaj is quick-witted and can be shrewd and acquisitive, but tactful and discriminative. She needs to beware of overwork, and tendencies to be irritable, proud, and obstinate.


Mars in the houses indicate the areas of life in which she expresses her actions and desires, and where she needs to use energy and initiative in order to get results. Seventh house position indicates aggressive partnership activities or working with the public.

Nicki Minaj is likely to be attracted to people with the same nature, and strife can be part of the relationships. With energy and single-mindedness of purpose, Nicki Minaj is able to achieve much through cooperative efforts. She will need to beware of serious disagreements and marital discord.


Jupiter in the signs indicates her ethical, religious, and philosophical standards and beliefs, and how she may express these interests. Jupiter in Scorpio gives her a powerful will and deep emotions. Her mind is active and analytical, proud and aggressive, and can function both constructively and destructively with the same amount of enthusiasm.

The message here is the strong need for discipline and positive direction. Follow her inclination toward metaphysical and occult studies, seeking positive directions in the psychic regions of her mind. Avoid any attempts to enforce her beliefs upon others and moderate her tendencies to control their social conduct and principles.


Jupiter in the houses indicates the departments of life and types of activity through which she expresses her religious, philosophical, and educational ideas. In the eight houses, good fortune could come through inheritance, insurance, or joint finances.

She may be attracted to such businesses as funeral homes, tax accounting, and corporate fund-raising. There will be a strong interest in life after death. She is likely to become interested in spiritualism, and also to possess telepathic powers.


Saturn in the signs indicates the areas in which she must accept responsibility and the ways in which she must practice discipline and develop maturity. In the sign Libra, the responsibilities focus on relationships and the laws of mutual commitment. Nicki Minaj is attractive, well-groomed, and always pays attention to “proper” dress. She can be rigid in principles, but independent and resourceful.

She has a need to know, which inspires investigations into the occult, and she should use her psychic abilities in the pursuit of knowledge. She needs to learn to be tolerant of mere mortals, and curb the tendencies to harbor resentments. Avoid abuse of alcohol and other drugs.


Saturn in the houses indicates the areas of life in which she must learn to act with discipline. In the eighth house it deals with her partner in the areas of finances, corporate money, insurance, taxes, and inheritance

if applicable. She may be able to profit by using other people’s money through skillful and honest management. Marriage can be a financial burden, however. She could suffer losses through alimony settlements. There can be a deep spiritual insight into life’s mysteries, but distressing dreams and psychic experiences that have a disturbing psychological effect could also occur. She needs to seek positive spiritual guidance to work through these times.


Uranus in the signs indicates the ways in which she expresses her urge for freedom and individuality, and how she establishes her link with the Universal Mind. In Sagittarius, these influences will focus on philosophy, education and religion. She will seek her own TRUTH, and will not be inclined to accept the traditional limits that have been set by earlier generations

especially in religion. Nicki Minaj is likely to be drawn to the renewal of more ancient philosophies, such as astrology, numerology, and other fore-runners of modern day sciences, seeking to combine the validity of all into a concept that she can accept in her own search for truth. She may travel to foreign countries and sometimes embrace the concept of one world government for all of mankind.


Uranus in the houses indicates the types of activities through which she expresses her urge toward freedom and individuality. In the ninth house the emphasis is on religion, philosophy, and higher education. Nicki Minaj is likely to have progressive and reformative ideas in these areas, and will seek her own methods of expression. She will be attracted to the occult, and are likely to have intuitive, prophetic faculties.

She likes investigations, and will travel at the drop of a hat or of a handbag. Nicki Minaj is interested in the remote past, far distances, and a utopian future. Beware of impractical ideas and fantasies, and avoid alcohol and drugs.


Since Neptune spends about thirteen years in each sign, its influences are mostly generational. It indicates the kind of creative and imaginative cultural expressions she experiences. In Sagittarius the emphasis is on positive expression of higher religious and spiritual values. She will search for more personal contact with God through her inner being, probably through forms of meditation.


Neptune in the houses indicates how she expresses her mystical potential, and may reveal some of the karma produced by her past actions. In the tenth house the focus is on the career. This immediately brings to mind the ministry, but, of course, any of the helping professions will be enhanced by the intuitive ability bestowed by Neptune in the tenth house.

She has the ability to empathize with others, as well as being able to keep secrets, making her an excellent confidant. She intuitively knows how to draw the others out to help them see their own reality. She certainly has the capacity for spiritual leadership, but needs to beware of spiritual pride and bigotry. Her way is seldom the only way.


Influences of Pluto in the signs is also more historical and generational than personal. Individual influences are likely to produce permanent change. In Libra the indication is toward the conscious responsibilities for fellow men through justice, human relations, social expression and psychology.


Pluto in the houses indicates in which departments of life she needs to exercise conscious creative willpower to regenerate herself and her surroundings. Eighth house focus is on the continuity of the consciousness after loss of the physical body, or, life after death. Search for faith may include studies in astrology, yoga, meditation, karma, reincarnation, and other occult subjects.

She must concentrate on the positive in order to find the true way for her. Her higher spiritual powers are likely to be positive, and she will be able to overcome the negative, in herself as well as others. Avoid temptation to use her powers for purely personal gain.


Following are the interpretations of the planetary aspects to each other. Aspects are angular relationships between two or more planets that have been found to modify the influences bestowed. Significant angles are: Conjunction (same degree), Sextile (60 degrees), Square (90 degrees), Trine (120 degrees), and Opposition (180 degrees). Don’t worry that some of these individual interpretations seem to conflict. Remember

we look at the whole person, and the separate parts can modify, reinforce, or nullify each other.


This conjunction gives energy and willpower to thoughts. She has lots of mental stamina and creativity in ideas, work, and friendships. Nicki Minaj is likely to enforce her ideas and decisions with willpower. The risk here, with all this mental power, is objectivity. It is difficult to see herself as others see her, and her personal self-conception makes it difficult to differentiate between mind and ego. She needs to practice getting self out of the way (ego) and letting her energetic mind solve the problems and make the decisions.


This a double-edged aspect in that it can lead her into self-deception, or, provide divine inspiration. Her deeper levels of consciousness are likely to be finely tuned to the universal life force and she will need to interpret it correctly for positive expression. There can be awesome power at the emotional level which can be given expression in the arts.

Mysticism, clairvoyance, and psychic powers are available to her through the subconscious. She will need positive spiritual guidance to reveal accurate communication between the conscious and the subconscious. She must take care not to project her own selfish desires into the subconscious to take advantage of this power. Seek reality and avoid negative occultism.


This aspect gives her the potential for tremendous influence through her career, profession, and reputation. Ambition will be high and success will be important. Personal honor will certainly be a factor in career choices, which are likely to be in the public eye, such as teaching, politics, etc.


This square can create conflict between her individuality and the way she presents herself to the world. It can also set up a conflict between her spiritual consciousness and the expression of her physical personality. She probably plunged into action precipitously. She needs to learn to trust her intuition, time her actions, avoid tendencies to dominate others, and concentrate upon clear communications.


This aspect promotes clarity of thought and self-discipline. Nicki Minaj is likely to be practical and methodical with lots of patience. Nicki Minaj is both down-to-earth and ambitious, and is willing to work hard to achieve her goals. She may have political aspirations, and is certainly willing to assume responsibilities for public service. Nicki Minaj is a loyal friend and honest to the core.


This opposition is likely to cause over-expansion of the emotions, especially in the areas of charity to others. It can make her promise more than she can deliver, and want to give away more than she has. It can also indicate extreme religious sentimentality, with the risk of religious controversies. It is difficult to break unhealthy emotional attitudes and habits from the past.

There may be tendencies to self-indulgence, over-eating, waste, and extravagance. The lesson to be learned here is moderation and control. Learn to set limits on herself and develop tolerance for others.


This aspect bestows emotional balance, creating harmony between her conscious self and her unconscious feelings and emotions. It supports relationships with women in fact, helps them to work in harmony with individuals or the public.


This configuration indicates a high level of communications skill with the public. She could be interested in some aspect of the law, but certainly will shine in public relations. Nicki Minaj is also likely to attract an intelligent spouse and partner, as well as intellectual friends.


This configuration can cause difficulties in marriage, partnerships, and in communications in general. She may project her thoughts in speech or writing in such a manner that others misinterpret them and disagree. Squares are obstacles toward growth. The message here is to mean what she says and say what she means. Be sure the brain is engaged before the mouth is opened.


This aspect bestows organizational ability in job or vocation, and indicates a disciplined mind. Nicki Minaj is a good communicator, saying what she means and meaning what she says. May be a good lecturer or writer, and her profession or vocation is likely to reflect her communications skills. She usually knows what she wants and will plan and prepare herself to achieve her goals. She will leave very little to chance. Nicki Minaj is likely to be disciplined and organized in health matters as well.


This aspect could bring loneliness and personal isolation where feelings are concerned. Nicki Minaj is not good at timing social events and personal approaches, and is likely to suffer brush-offs. Do not let this contribute to inferiority complexes.


This square implies tendencies toward self-indulgence, idle luxury, laziness, and meaningless social activities. She does not want to admit to bad feelings, and is likely to camouflage them with emotional hypocrisy. The lesson here is to practice openness and honesty. Learn to appreciate the true value of things, and cultivate means of communicating with the spiritual Source of all things. Avoid indulging in alcohol and other drugs.


This square can indicate intense emotional and sexual involvements. There is often karma involved in the romantic life, giving the appearance of unavoidable fate. (However, we must remember, we still have free will to make choices.) Sexual urges may appear to be too strong to be controlled and can even cause feelings of humiliation, based upon certain moral judgments. Social conditions or cosmic events can interfere with personal happiness and emotional fulfillment.

This could involve a relationship between persons of extremely different cultural backgrounds, separations because of military obligations, or loss of a partner through accidental death. This aspect can also indicate sex and romance for financial gain, such as marriage for money and security rather than for love. On the positive side, the aspect can provide a high degree of artistic inspiration and power of expression, which could be used to sublimate the strong emotional influences it generates. Remember, there are no “bad” aspects only challenges to be overcome.


This trine brings the Mars energy to bear upon the emotional and artistic influences of Venus, bestowing the ability for dynamic expression of her ideas and creative talent in music, art, and drama. The Mars energy gives her the willpower to give her talents concrete expression. Nicki Minaj is inclined to be fun-loving, have the ability to please, and possess an energetic sex appeal. When at ease in a relationship in which sexual compatibility is present, this aspect could bestow fantastic sexual fulfillment and a high level of sexual energy.


This aspect indicates highly original artistic and/or musical ability, if not as a performer, then certainly as an enthusiast. She may earn her money in unusual ways, perhaps involving electronic devices or electronic media, and usually with a group endeavor. Nicki Minaj is likely to be very popular and to have many friends, as Nicki Minaj is capable of communicating sparkling emotional expressions. She will want emotional freedom and may resist conventional romantic relationships. Nicki Minaj is likely to be lucky in friendship, love and marriage.


This square produces “peculiar” emotional desires from deep levels of the subconscious. There is a tendency to self-deception, since Nicki Minaj is not always fully aware of her real emotions. The expression may take the form of alcoholism, drug abuse, and/or sexual excesses. There is very likely to be confusion in sexual identity which could result in unhealthy repression of sexual activity or, in the opposite direction, excessive sexual activity and potentially dangerous sexual experimentation.

Great energies are released with this aspect which can be directed to positive advantages in art, dance, drama, music, and other art forms requiring her active imagination. Moderation is the lesson here, but take control. Face the emotions by dredging them up from the subconscious, accept what is right for her, and harness the imagination, letting the Mars energy make it work for her in positive ways.


This aspect signifies capacity for rapid, decisive action and bestows willpower and courage. Nicki Minaj is inclined to work hard and to accomplish her tasks with originality. The Sextile indicates a forceful disposition, and Nicki Minaj is likely to know exactly what she wants. She needs to watch out for a do-or-die attitude, however, since the force of her will could make unreasonable demands upon her body.


This configuration bestows charm, social grace, and good manners. It helps with good timing in relation to financial affairs, public relations, partnerships, social activities, and marriage. Nicki Minaj is likely to gain the approval of her society, and to keep in step with current vogues and economic trends.


This conjunction aids her in the determination to achieve goals beneficial to both herself and others. She has a gift of concentration which helps her draw from spiritual inspiration. Her leadership qualities and insight to others’ thought processes helps her to channel constructive forces in times of crisis. She needs to give credit to the Source, and to continually seek positive spiritual guidance to use these gifts appropriately.


This conjunction can generate powerful ambitions, as well as the scientific knowledge to achieve them. Nicki Minaj is likely to have a desire to “improve the planet” from an environmental point of view. In fact her ideas and projects could have a transforming effect upon the world. This is sometimes called the aspect of the magician because of her ability to channel occult powers through structured systems. She can be very secretive about her projects, but needs to avoid intrigue and selfish motives.


This aspect can cause her to express aggressive tendencies at inappropriate times and places. Her attitudes and impulses are likely to be different from accepted standards of society. She will need to practice acceptance of and harmony with her environment.


This is a very positive aspect since Saturn, the planet of discipline and order, is supportive of the inspirational, imaginative, and metaphysical influences of Neptune. It can give practical form to the imagination and organization to occult group endeavors. It helps her get to the bottom of mysteries, and gives her the ability to concentrate upon inspiration.

That can give her excellent tactical and strategic abilities because of the insight it supplies. Nicki Minaj is idealistic, compassionate, and honest in handling responsibilities. She may be unrealistic in expecting the same from others, however.


This configuration can give her the ability to stabilize her domestic life and to steadily improve her professional standing through forethought, planning, discipline, and constant effort. This is a good position for career advancement.


This aspect has more general and historical connotations than personal, but in the personal interpretation it indicates unusual occult, intuitive, scientific, and aesthetic abilities. It could generate sudden and secret changes. She needs to concentrate on the positive occult powers.


Some giveth and some taketh away. This position of Pluto indicates a situation where her desire for freedom and individualism can conflict with social standards. The lesson again is tolerance, patience, and Spiritual Guidance.

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