Biography: James Charles

James Charles was born on May 23 1999 in Bethlehem, New York. He is an American makeup artist, social media personality, and model. Charles first came to prominence as a beauty vlogger on YouTube, where he garnered over 16 million subscribers and 2.5 billion views. He later became a CoverGirl spokesperson in 2016. In October 2016, he became the first male ambassador for the cosmetics brand. In 2018, Charles was named one of Time’s Most Influential People on the Internet.

Since the launch of his channel, Charles has made a number of collaborative videos, doing makeup on and with various public figures including Kim Kardashian, Kylie Jenner, Lil Nas X, Kesha, Madison Beer,] Doja Cat, JoJo Siwa, Charli D’Amelio, Addison Rae, Trixie Mattel, Avani Gregg, Bretman Rock, and Plastique Tiara.

Birth details

James Charles

Date of birth: May 23, 1999

Place of Birth: Bethlehem, New York

Time of birth: Unknown (noon used)

Natal chart calculations

2 Gem 05   4 Aqu 18
18 Vir 569 Sag 20
29 Tau 3126 Leo 39
16 Can 2119 Tau 26
25 Lib 2118 Vir 48
23 Ari 1516 Lib 18
26 Leo 3925 Sag 13
16 Aqu 4828 Cap 17

Tropical  Placidus   Daylight Savings Time observed

GMT: 16:00:00   Time Zone: 5 hours West

Lat. and Long. of birth: 42 N 36 73 W 50  

Natal chart interpretation

Note: The following birth chart interpretation is for entertainment only and should not be viewed as a criticism or attack on the subject of the study. No offense is intended and no slight to character is meant.

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He was born at a time when the Sun was about to move from one sign into the next–or had just done so. The astrological term for this is that he was “born on the cusp”, or that he was a “Cusp Baby”. The sign that the Sun was actually in at the time of his birth will always be his true Sun-sign, and its imprint upon his personality is usually the more dominant.

However, planetary influences do not change immediately like turning one light off and another one on. The transition is more gradual, as the influences of the sign the Sun is leaving diminish while the influences of the new sign increase. We call that period of time the “Orb of influence” and for the cusp interpretation of the Sun-sign change, we use the span within the last three degrees of the sign which the Sun is leaving and the first three degrees of the sign it is moving into. The Sun moves through the signs at approximately one degree per day, so the total transition period we use is approximately six days.

The easiest way to interpret the Sun on the “cusp” would perhaps be to consolidate and intermix indiscriminately all the influences of both signs and print out a conglomerate of “one fits all”. Since this IS a transition period, such an interpretation would not fit everyone, and would create the risk of not portraying his true personality or individuality. Consequently, he will need to use some self analysis in order to get the best of this section. We will print the dominant influences of both Sun-signs: first the sign the Sun is leaving and next the sign it is entering into. Remember, as the Sun moves further into the emerging sign, the stronger James Charles is likely to recognize that Sun-sign’s imprint upon his personality.

With his Sun in Taurus, James Charles is probably very efficient in practical matters, and his spiritual truth comes from working with the practical aspects of life. He is fond of the good things of life and focuses much of his attention on material acquisitions. He loves comfort, satisfaction and pleasure. Whatever fulfills these needs will have great value to him. He will make every effort to get it, and once he does, he never wants to let it go. He likes money–not so much for its own sake, but so that he can enjoy the things it will buy. He appreciates beautiful things, especially those which appeal to the sense of touch. He is fond of good clothing and can be genuinely impressed by the wardrobes of others.

James Charles seeks security, both emotional and material. He may resist involvement in a relationship for fear of getting hurt, nevertheless there is likely to always be a significant other in his life. He can be very jealous as a result of his deep inner need for mental and emotional security. He is probably not aware of his inner motives, as self-analysis is usually not that important to him. He has a strong sense of loyalty and may often burden himself with the griefs and problems of his friends. He is a steadfast and patient friend, capable of tremendous devotion and dedication.

James Charles is endowed with strong willpower and is capable of making plans years in advance and successfully implementing them. He is likely to be successful in his efforts. He has his own way of doing things, and if others want things to go smoothly, it is wise for them not to interfere with him or attempt to make him over. The ability to follow through and stick with things is one of his greatest assets. Once his course is set, he pursues it tenaciously until it is completed, stubbornly resisting any attempts to sway him from his purpose. However, he may have to learn to expect less than absolute perfection in the end results, and that reality may not always shape up to his exacting demands.

James Charles has a very practical nature and wants to see concrete, tangible results for his efforts. He is not one for spinning wild dreams that are unlikely to come true. Most of his “wild dreams” have to do with material achievements, well-being, and security, for he has a great love of the physical world and he wants to experience and enjoy it to the fullest. Though he will work long and persistently, he also has a strong, sensual, comfort-loving side, and he wants to enjoy what he has worked for. In fact, he can be a little lazy at times and have a tendency to overindulge in good food and other earthly pleasures. He also loves the beauty of the natural world and probably prefers a serene country setting to a more urban lifestyle.

At heart his needs are simple and James Charles is easy to please. He has a strong desire for security and peace, and will rarely make changes unless James Charles is forced to do so. He is not very demanding emotionally, though he does crave lots of physical closeness and affection. Because of his faithfulness and gentle strength, others often depend upon him for support. Though he hates upheaval and sudden changes, he usually maintains his poise and equanimity. He also has an innate sense of harmonizing with nature, allowing things to grow and unfold in their own time. He has the patience to nurture something into being–be it a garden, a child, or some creative project. He makes an excellent mother or father, especially if he follows his instincts more often than those of the “experts”.

Taureans are often referred to as being “bull-headed” or stubborn. If he recognizes this personality trait in himself, he needs to learn to be more flexible and less rigid. This characteristic could also cause him to find himself reluctant to risk changes from what he feels is his only safe, predictable routine. Open his mind to new ideas, expand upon his imagination, broaden his horizons and risk some speculations. New just MIGHT be better.

With the Sun in Gemini, James Charles is a communicator (I did NOT say “chatterbox!”), and speech is especially important to him. He has a need to identify and classify, for his mind jumps from one thing to another and words are anchoring safety devices which help keep him on track. He is thirsty for knowledge and has a highly developed learning capacity. His inventive imagination created a need for education from the time he was born, and could qualify him for professions in writing, research, and criticism. (He   can be very good at criticism, however he tends to be charming, interesting and interesting.)

There is a dual quality to the Gemini personality. Variety is the spice of life for him, and James Charles is happiest when he has more than one dominant interest. He enjoys his hands being busy, which they are very capable of doing on their own while his mind and attention can jump around to many things at the same time. He has to work at maintaining calmness of mind and body and the best discipline to achieve this might well begin by trying to keep his hands and feet still–and to eat slowly. It’s no use suggesting that he think slowly, for James Charles is a Gemini.

James Charles is, in many ways, an eternal child. His mind is bright, alert, curious, flexible, playful, and always eager for new experiences. His attention span can be quite brief. He grasps ideas quickly and once his initial curiosity has been satisfied, he wants to go on to something else. He craves frequent change, and meeting new situations and new people.

James Charles also has a rather light and mischievous sense of humor, and often does not take anything too seriously. Though he craves emotional involvement it is hard for him to achieve it, for James Charles is frequently unwilling to commit himself to anything, to take responsibility, or to limit his personal freedom.

James Charles may live in his head a great deal (reading, observing, thinking, spinning ideas around) and he needs mental stimulation every bit as much as he needs food and drink. In fact, if he had to choose between a good book or movie and a good lunch, he would very likely choose one of the former.

James Charles may enjoy great popularity because of his witty conversation, mental agility, sociability, courtesy, and intuition. However, James Charles is ever a nonconformist. He needs to maintain his separateness–he hates any kind of bondage, rebel against the status quo, resist authority, and never yield his individuality to one person or one place. He needs to work at realizing his relationship to humanity’s common lot, and that cooperation is necessary to self-fulfillment. He has the potential to overcome deficiencies and negative tendencies and to reach high objectives in life.

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Leo is the royal sign, the Ascendant of “kingship” and “queenship”. The symbol is the lion, the king of beasts. Leo is ruled by the Sun, the source of heat, energy, and light. It projects powerful influences into the lives of those born when Leo is rising over the eastern horizon. They may sparkle brilliantly when the Sun is shining and appear subdued when it is hiding. Leo is a Fire sign in the fixed mode, bestowing a fiery personality influenced by determination and stability.

He appears to others to be dramatic, regal in bearing, and certainly in control of the situation. Leadership seems easy for him and he appears to exude an air of strength, dominance and individuality. It is usually easy for others to recognize him by the abundance of hair framing his face in profusion or swept back like a lion’s mane. In addition, the dramatic combinations in color and clothing of his royal attire will give his personality away every time. He may appear to sparkle brilliantly when the Sun is shining and seem subdued when it is hiding. Others see his personality as strongly influenced by determination and stability.

To others, he may look and act ferocious and need to be at the head of the pack, but underneath James Charles is a pussycat who likes to have his fur stroked. However, his enthusiasm and energies ARE high, and he may be impatient with those around him who are less inspired and slower than him. He may assume the leadership role subtly and without any sense of abdication on the part of others–that’s just the way things are. He also needs to excel in what he does, and anytime he feels failure, James Charles is wounded more deeply than he wants others to know. When this happens, he will go into hiding, lick his wounds in private, and restore his sense of self-worth in his own way and his own time.

He admires others who are strong individuals like himself. When he befriends someone, James Charles is tremendously loyal, sincere, and willing to go to extraordinary lengths to make that person happy. James Charles is very giving and generous, but he expects recognition and appreciation for that which he gives. He also expects the same loyalty and generosity to be reciprocated. He often has trouble working with people who are as strong as himself, for he doesn’t share the leading role very easily.

He has a royal taste. Others are likely to judge him as extravagant, for he wants to have the very best of everything. He will be tempted to run up bills if that is necessary to keep up appearances. He wants to share good things with others, and can be particularly lavish if his sense of luxury is shared and appreciated. If he cannot show his generosity, graciousness and flair for good living, he will suffer deeply. He wants to provide comfort for those around him at all times.

Others around him will not know how devastated he feels when he fails to live up to his expectations or to what he thinks are the expectations of others. But when he hides to lick his wounds, he needs to be particularly wary of indulging in alcohol or other drugs to help restore his self-esteem. He could find them to be too effective, causing him to disregard more positive and healthy measures. Mood altering chemicals are likely to produce more euphoria for him than for others.

Others may expect more of him than he thinks he can deliver. However, he will do well in any profession where leadership ability is required, as in financial institutions and corporations. The profession will be empty though, if there is no applause. James Charles is ever the actor, and could very well be in that star-studded list of men and women in the dramatic arts or in politics, sports, and writing. Many of the world’s leaders appear to have his personality. So, all he gotta do is go for it.


Mercury rules Virgo in his second house of money matters. This is the planet of speedy communications and intellect, and Virgo is the sign of detail and organization. He will be very particular in the financial area, and his business activities will be well organized. He will like teamwork, and may include friends in financial endeavors. Group activities will be comfortable for him.


Libra is ruled by Venus, planet of beauty, art, and material possessions. In the third house of the thinking mind and communications, it influences an attitude of fair play and justice in all these matters. James Charles is brutally honest in communications efforts, and he will expect others to be honest with him. He will desire higher education, and a philosophy he can accept. He will like luxury and travel.


Pluto rules Scorpio on the fourth house of his chart. Scorpio is represented by the Eagle and the Serpent, while Pluto is the planet of regeneration and the underworld. This configuration in the fourth house of home-life can make him gruff with his household, but let outsiders beware! Any criticism from others will be totally resented, even if he agrees with them. Hers is likely to be an active home, with a special place, or “den” for him.


Jupiter, the planet of expansion and “good fortune” rules Sagittarius, Sign of idealism and thrust. This combination in the fifth house of romance, children, and creative expression, magnifies the importance of these areas in his life. James Charles is likely to be “lucky-in-love”, spoil his children, and to love sports and speculation.


CAPRICORN IN 6TH HOUSE–Saturn, planet of limitations and discipline, rules Capricorn, the sign of conservatism. When in the sixth house of work, service, and health, it influences great depth and seriousness to these areas of life. He will be organized in his work, and when he works, he works hard. He will be disciplined in the services he offers. Health problems are likely to center around the knees, skin, or stomach.


Aquarius, sign of steadfastness and social responsibility, is ruled by Uranus, planet of sudden changes, inventiveness and the unusual. In the seventh house, they indicate the need for individual freedom in partnerships, and possibly an unusual spouse. Close relationship in marriage is likely. Try to avoid being overly idealistic and of setting unrealistic expectations.


PISCES ON 8TH HOUSE–Pisces, an emotional sign, is ruled by Neptune, the psychic planet of hidden meanings. In the eighth house, a reluctance to dwell upon death or dying is indicated. If inheritances are indicated, they are likely to be under unusual conditions. He may need to be more assertive in dealing with these areas.


Mars, the action planet of fire and energy, rules Aries, sign of new beginnings. This combination, in the ninth house of the higher mind and needs, can produce the crusader instinct. James Charles is not likely to be limited by traditional religious dogma, but visionary thought will influence studies into the occult.


This is the house of recognition, personal achievement, honor, and career or vocation, Taurus, the “bull” is ruled by Venus, planet of aesthetics, material resources, love, and sociability. This configuration on the tenth indicates desire for wealth and recognition to be fulfilled by the profession or vocation. He will earn money to support high standards of living.


Mercury rules Gemini, sign of the twins. When found in the eleventh house of friends, love received, and goals it indicates an intellectual duality in group activities. Friends are likely to be intelligent and ingenious, and very much an intellectual stimulation for him. More than one thing can be going on successfully at the same time.


Cancer, emotional sign of the mother, is ruled by the emotional planet Moon. When found in the twelfth house of hidden matters and the subconscious process, emotions are likely to be very vulnerable. Mysterious feelings from the subconscious can make him want to cry without knowing why. He will seek seclusion at times. This configuration can make them very intuitive and psychic.


Astrology recognizes ten major “heavenly bodies” in the Universe that radiate various influences toward earth, and thus manifest themselves in the lives and affairs of mankind. The Sun and the Moon influences are most recognizable because some of them are visible and tactile, such as light and heat. They also provide the base for mankind’s calculation of time–the calendar and the clock. Influences distributed by the other eight planets may be less visible and more subtle, but not less real.

These emanations are constant, but the intensity of their influences can be tempered by the sign they are in, the house of his chart in which they are located, and by their angular aspects to each other. We touched upon this in the introduction to the Ascendant when we also introduced the term “synchronicity”. In the following pages we will print the individual interpretations of each planet in his chart with respect to the sign it is in, and its house position.

Following that we will print the interpretation of the planetary aspects to each other. Aspects are specific angles between two or more planets that have been found to modify the influences bestowed. Technically, every angle between planets creates an aspect, but some angles are more significant than others.

Astrology divides these aspects into “Major” and “Minor” categories. Minor aspects are used primarily in astrological research and for very precisely directed work, so we stick to the Major aspects in our general work. The major aspects are: Conjunction (same degree), Sextile (60 degrees), Square (90 degrees), Trine (120 degrees), and Opposition (180 degrees). Don’t worry that some of these individual interpretations may seem to conflict with others. We look at the whole person, and the separate parts can modify, reinforce, or nullify each other.

We have pulled all this data together for him as it is displayed in his birth chart. This whole configuration can not be repeated or duplicated during his lifetime. Although the earth in its rotation around the Sun each year goes through all the twelve sign constellations and returns the Sun to its natal position, it takes Neptune 165 years and Pluto 248 years to complete their orbits. The planets are constantly moving their positions throughout the universe so that it is not possible for all the planetary positions and aspects to repeat themselves in their lifetime.

That leaves it up to us as individuals to deal with those influences imprinted upon us at birth and revealed through the horoscope. It is our hope, through astrology, that we may explain what those influences are and thus understand ourselves better. We have free will to make choices–choices which can affect those birth imprints in positive or negative ways. Probably no one of us will ever fulfill the “promises” of the natal chart in our lifetime, but hopefully, knowing what the influences are could help us to make some better choices.


The following planetary sign and house positions are determined by HIS birth data. There are 384 variations of these positions, as well as many other variables, but only 25 of them apply to each individual. The possibility of another person having the same combination of positions is practically non-existent.

The Sun and the Moon are known as the “Lights” and are not planets in the technical sense of the word. However, they are the most visible and perhaps more influential in affecting man’s awareness than all of the other heavenly bodies put together. The blend of the Sun-Moon influences, from the signs they are in, and whether they are in aspect or not, are extremely significant to the personality profile of the new life. The relationship of the Sun and Moon to each other by their position, sign, and aspect and their relationship to the Ascendant can sometimes provide us with an extremely accurate mini-interpretation of the chart. The interpretation of his Sun-Moon combination is printed next. Study it carefully–as well as the next three Sun and Moon sign delineations.


These are both Mutable signs, and incline towards moodiness and feelings of being misunderstood or unappreciated. Mind and nerves are in developmental tension, and the need is to learn how to take appropriate action to externalize the intellectual desires. Procrastination can intensify the frustrations. He needs to learn patience, and to work at calming his ideas and desires. James Charles is inventive, ingenious, innovative and full of ideas: he just needs to gain the confidence to carry them out. He would be good at secretarial work, research and writing. Associate with positive people who can have a calming effect on him. Practice positive prayer and meditation to achieve patience and serenity.


The Sun in the houses represents the departments of life most strongly affected by the individual will and power potential. Tenth house position generally indicates persons who are ambitious to attain positions of responsibility, power, and authority. James Charles is likely to be rather dignified and he has a strong will to succeed. He desires honor and recognition and will work hard to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to achieve his goals. James Charles is probably a good manager and demands respect. He also wants to set a good example for others. He needs to watch out for an excessive love of power and for dictatorial attitudes.


MOON IN VIRGO–In mythology the Moon is always female–as the Sun is always male. In most ancient religions and cults, the Moon represents the female force which reflects the male force of the Sun. In astrology, “she” bestows her indiscriminative influences upon both male and female alike, though each sex might respond to the influences in different ways. The Moon in the signs indicates the emotional responses to life’s situations. It determines how they are likely to react to external influences and to the actions of others.

In Virgo it indicates an exacting, hardworking, practical nature. James Charles is particular about food and diet, and concerned about health. He has a great regard for neatness and cleanliness in personal hygiene and housekeeping as well.

This sign can even impose upon the emotional moon-child logical and orderly ways of doing things. James Charles is likely to understand even technical applications for doing things, but there will always be the caring and longings to help others. James Charles is more likely to express his love by doing things for people rather than by saying it in words. Intimate relationships may prove difficult and hard to come by for his expectations will be pretty high, and it is difficult for him to express his feelings. Relationships are important for his feelings of well-being, and losing one can cause painful depression.

Although ambition may not be extremely high, he can do anything he would choose to do in the way of profession or vocation. His technical skills are easily developed, and the caring disposition for others could open doors in the people-helping-people professions. His skills will always be supplemented and influenced by emotional undertones.

He may appear shy, for they are likely to like to work behind the scenes. He pays attention to details and has a sincere desire to serve. He could risk being blinded to the overall picture by his obsession with details, so he needs to look beyond the present picky activities and avoid excessive preoccupation with them. Watch out for a critical attitude of others whose style of doing things may differ from his own.


The Moon in the houses indicates the areas of daily activity through which his feelings are manifested, and gives clues to the type of activity on the domestic scene. The Second House position indicates that his general emotional well-being is dependent upon material comfort. It indicates a strong need for monetary security to establish a stable home and family situation. He probably has good business ability in matters dealing with food, home and real estate. He needs to watch out for tendencies toward unreasonable possessiveness and jealousy.


Mercury in the signs gives clues to the kinds of concerns that occupy his mind, and reveals his psychological approach to making decisions and conveying his ideas to others. In Taurus, it bestows much practical common sense. This gives him a great power of concentration so that James Charles is able to ignore those with which he doesn’t want to be bothered. If carried too far, however, this could make he blind to things he should recognize for his own good, as well as add mental stubbornness. He dislikes argument and disharmony, but will fight to protect his security and financial interests. He is likely to possess the mental ability to convey his ideas through artistic directions and art forms.


Mercury in the houses deals with the practical affairs that occupy his mind, and shows what areas of activity will be influenced by his thoughts and communications. In the tenth house it indicates James Charles is likely to pursue education for reasons of professional ambition. James Charles is likely to have a good organizational ability and the capacity to plan for the future. His career is not likely to be accidental. James Charles is able to communicate with people of power and prestige, and with the public, so that politics would be natural for him. Whatever his occupation, it will involve communications media. Ambition is the keyword in this position, but beware that it could take precedence over principles.


Venus in the signs indicates how he expresses his emotions in personal relationships and influences his attitude toward material things, creature comforts, and social and aesthetic values. In the sign Cancer it indicates deep sensitivity in all his romantic feelings. James Charles is likely to be extremely emotional and his feelings easily hurt. His moods will be fluctuating and unpredictable, but James Charles is likely to hide behind a dignified exterior. He craves both financial and emotional security, and is likely to seek them in marriage. Venus in Cancer produces the mothers of the world, both male and female. He wants his home to be the center of social activities and will strive to provide it with comfort and beauty. He needs to watch out for unstable emotional reactions, maudlin sentimentality, and the tendency to sulk.


Venus in the houses indicates how he expresses himself socially, artistically, and romantically in the various areas of his life. In the eleventh house, it indicates warm friendships and relationships established through group activities. Kindness gets kindness in return. He will have many friends of the opposite sex. Friends often become romantic partners and romantic partners often become good friends. Strong alliances with musicians and other artists are strongly indicated.


Mars in the signs indicates the king of ambition produced by his desire principle and what action characteristics are produced by those influences. In Libra it gives a strong urge to action in the social services and James Charles is likely to be the initiator of social activity and reform. His career preference will fall in the helping category, but he will feel the need to be noticed and appreciated. This Mars position could be fulfilled by careers in the field of entertainment, or professional sports.


Mars in the houses indicate the areas of life in which he expresses his actions and desires, and where he needs to use energy and initiative in order to get results. In three, it deals with intellect and indicates quick thinking in emergency situations. He may assert himself aggressively in order to get his communications across–he will be direct and can be caustic. He can be impulsive in daily movements and in short-distance traveling. He may be tempted to drive carelessly–patience is not related to this position. He needs to avoid sarcasm and argumentative tendencies.


Jupiter in the signs indicates his ethical, religious, and philosophical standards and beliefs, and how he may express those interests. In Aries, it bestows leadership qualities for those areas as well as in education and spiritual endeavors. James Charles is likely to have an intuitive understanding of spiritual creativity which can be transformed into positive action. He has faith in regeneration, and a rebirth into a better way of life. He can display much enthusiasm and self-confidence, inspiring confidence in others and inspiring them to action. He needs to watch out for feelings of self-importance and avoid “holy crusades”, but he does have the courage to embark on large endeavors which others would not attempt.


Jupiter in the houses indicates the departments of life and types of activity through which he expresses his religious, philosophical, and educational ideas. In this house it gives him a deep love for all three subjects. He has a keen interest in all clarification of thought regarding these subjects, and will seek to acquire as much education as possible. As a result, he will be good at teaching, lecturing, and publishing. James Charles is interested in other cultures, and is broad-minded and tolerant of other peoples and their customs. This could initiate the desire to travel. The negative side of this house position cautions him against laziness, indifference to discipline, and extremist religious beliefs.


Saturn in the signs indicates the areas in which he must accept responsibility and the ways in which he must practice discipline and develop maturity. When found in Taurus, he will need discipline and hard work to acquire material possessions. He will have a strong need for financial and emotional security. James Charles is thoughtful, kind, and quiet, but sometimes quick-tempered, resentful, and stubborn. James Charles is frugal and may manage business affairs well. Watch out for tendencies to miserliness and excessive materialism.


Saturn in the houses indicates the areas of life in which we must learn to act with discipline and to express practical ambition through maturity. In the ninth house, it gives him a serious interest in religion, philosophy, and higher education. James Charles is likely to prepare for and to seek positions of status, power, and authority, and will probably achieve personal distinction and recognition in education, religion, or philosophy. Long journeys for business purposes are likely, but beware of trouble in foreign lands. Practice moderation in his attitudes toward religion and morality and avoid excessive use of alcohol and other drugs.


Uranus in the signs indicates ways in which he expresses his urge for freedom and individuality, and how he establishes his link with the Universal Mind. Uranus in Aquarius is a very powerful position, giving him a penetrating, intuitive insight into scientific and occult truths. He has a strong will and mental independence. His love of freedom is paramount, and he will seek it with a pleasant, sociable, but determined disposition. He can work well through groups and organizations and may seek to reform society through cooperative efforts. However, avoid interpreting freedom as a license to follow his own will and desires, which could lead to eccentricity.


The house position of Uranus indicates the type of activity through which he expresses his urge toward individuality and freedom. In the sixth house it indicates some strange and advanced methods used in work and service, especially in the areas of healing and diet. Electronics specialists, computer programmers, and others whose work involves advanced technology often have this house position for Uranus. It can bestow inventiveness and originality applied to practical problems. James Charles is sensitive to working conditions and co-workers, and may find it difficult to accept routine.


Neptune is more generational than personal. While it is in Aquarius there is a great deal of idealism about world peace and cooperation among people throughout the world. Much good can be done by people of this generation, but they must also be careful to not be taken advantage of by those who give a good impression that masks evil motivations.


Neptune in the houses indicates the ways in which he may express his mystical potential–his ability to visualize. In the sixth house it emphasizes work and services performed in a spiritual way. James Charles is likely to have an intuitive understanding of animals and feel the urge to care for pets. He could have interests in spiritual healing, homeopathic medicine, health foods, and other natural forms of healing. For himself drugs, alcohol, and all unnatural forms of medication should be avoided. His natural visualization is powerful enough, and he should avoid all tendencies to exaggerate his intuitive visions. Seek positive spiritual direction for the use of these gifts.


Pluto in the signs is also historical and generational, but on the personal level it indicates permanent change. In Sagittarius it indicates a very expansive and philosophical generation. His age group enjoys travel. Faster modes of transportation, proliferation of strong religious views, and the expansion of the Internet are symptoms of his generation’s love of new horizons and broader, more global perspectives.


The house position of Pluto shows the departments of life in which he needs to exercise conscious creative willpower to regenerate himself and (possibly) his environment. In the fourth house it indicates his need to be master of his own home and domestic scene. He has deep wells of resourcefulness to draw upon to make the domestic areas of his life better. He seeks improvement through the occult, and has a natural affinity with the earth and nature. He needs to cultivate positive spiritual communications skills and draw strength from positive psychic sources.


Following are the interpretations of the planetary aspects to each other. Aspects are angular relationships between two or more planets that have been found to modify the influences bestowed. Significant angles are: Conjunction (same degree), Sextile (60 degrees), Square (90 degrees), Trine (120 degrees), and Opposition (180 degrees). Don’t worry that some of these individual interpretations seem to conflict. Remember–we look at the whole person, and the separate parts can modify, reinforce, or nullify each other.


This conjunction gives energy and willpower to thoughts. He has lots of mental stamina and creativity in ideas, work, and friendships. James Charles is likely to enforce his ideas and decisions with willpower. The risk here, with all this mental power, is objectivity. It is difficult to see himself as others see him, and his personal self-conception makes it difficult to differentiate between mind and ego. He needs to practice getting himself out of the way (ego) and letting his energetic mind solve the problems and make the decisions.


This square can create conflict between his individuality and the way he presents himself to the world. It can also set up a conflict between his spiritual consciousness and the expression of his physical personality. He probably plunged into action precipitously. He needs to learn to trust his intuition, time his actions, avoid tendencies to dominate others, and concentrate upon clear communications.


This aspect bestows emotional intuition which is often expressed in empathy and understanding. He may find his intuitive ability expressed through art, music, religion, philosophy, and/or mysticism. He could possess a quality of universal love that transcends the personal, sexual, and physical outlets for this emotion. In its highest form of usage, it could spiritually uplift and heal those who come in contact with him. The practical side can give him insights into business and stock market investments. He needs to be alert to keeping this gift practical, and not be only a visionary dreamer.


This configuration indicates strong sensitivity to home and family members with possibility of creating a secure, harmonious domestic situation. It also favors professional success through his ability to deal with the public and to adapt to the emotional reactions of people in authority.


This aspect bestows an affectionate nature, an intelligent awareness, and a charm which makes he popular with the opposite sex and with people in general. It is usually favorable to marriage and domestic life. James Charles is likely to have close ties with his family, especially with brothers and sisters. His imagination is lively and productive, especially in artistic and domestic applied areas. Expression in these areas can be extremely emotionally fulfilling.


This configuration can cause difficulties in marriage, partnerships, and in communications in general. He may project his thoughts in speech or writing in such a manner that others misinterpret them and disagree. Squares are obstacles toward growth. The message here is to mean what he says and say what he means. Be sure the brain is engaged before the mouth is opened.


This trine gives an intuitive mind with the ability to read the thoughts of others. He could also be prophetic. James Charles is able to mentally visualize objects and processes in complete detail. This trine is likely to bestow musical ability, especially in the area of composition and understanding the composer’s meaning. His senses are liable to be extremely delicate and acute, causing him to avoid loud noises and harsh conditions. He has a vivid imagination, and is likely to be able to visualize psychic premonitions–also likely to understand them. This gift should be cultivated through positive spiritual exploration and growth.


This square implies tendencies toward self-indulgence, idle luxury, laziness, and meaningless social activities. He does not want to admit to bad feelings, and is likely to camouflage them with emotional hypocrisy. The lesson here is to practice openness and honesty. Learn to appreciate the true value of things, and cultivate means of communicating with the spiritual Source of all things. Avoid indulging in alcohol and other drugs.


This configuration indicates the gift of diplomacy and harmony in the career, profession, or vocation. This is also reflected in the home life, where beauty and pleasing aesthetics could be displayed. Professional relationships are supported and a pleasant disposition is indicated.


Oppositions and squares present obstacles to be overcome. This one is no exception. It promotes restlessness and extravagance. The focus is on the self: material acquisition, promoting his own ideas and influencing others to his way of thinking. His restless tendencies and craving for adventure could get him in trouble, and these influences will affect his stability and dependability. The key here is to check his impulsiveness by cultivating patience.


This sextile is likely to bring he approval and respect. It helps in relationships with others, especially in marriage, partnerships, and public relations. He can expect cooperation from others, and joint efforts are likely to be successful. This aspect indicates that James Charles is frank, direct, and forceful in his dealings.


This aspect gives him a constructive, optimistic outlook on life. He projects self-confidence, enthusiasm, and good-will; inspiring confidence and cooperation in others. It favors happiness in marriage and harmony in partnerships, and good relations with the public.


This square sets up tensions between his conservative and radical tendencies, and can cause inconsistencies in his behavior and his philosophies. Saturn, the disciplinarian squares off against Uranus, the innovator. Beware of this, and practice avoiding sudden decisions. Temper impulsiveness with patience, and stick with tried and true methods until his inventiveness is tested and found to work. Avoid excesses in all areas of his life.


This square is likely to conjure up fears, anxieties, neuroses, and phobias that infiltrate from the subconscious. These are most often demonstrated by fears of inadequacy and an inferiority complex. He can feel confused about career and practical responsibilities, and may want to escape responsibility. It may appear that he has to work harder than others to accomplish anything. He could have a sense of morbidity, thinking that things always go wrong for him. Remember, squares in the natal chart present difficulties to be overcome by personal growth, and this is one of the more difficult ones. He can be especially susceptible to negative psychic influences, and need to be very careful to seek out only the positive forces from the occult. Cultivate a link with his Primal Creative Force through positive prayer and meditation. No one can tell him exactly how to do that, but sincere effort will help him find the way. Resist tendencies to be cunning and devious by practicing openness and honesty. Remember, Saturn is the planet of discipline and Neptune rules hidden meanings and spiritual yearnings. Try constantly and faithfully to keep this conflict out in the open.


This aspect can cause him to express aggressive tendencies at inappropriate times and places. His attitudes and impulses are likely to be different from accepted standards of society. He will need to practice acceptance of and harmony with his environment.


This aspect could indicate that James Charles is out of harmony with the current social trends, and that his timing could be off when he has an opportunity for “good fortune”. It could also mean that James Charles is not concerned with popularity, but can be very individualistic and discriminating when it comes to prevailing social expectations. This would help him avoid the mistakes of the masses by his superior intuitive wisdom. However, he needs to watch out for loss, through purposeful intrigue or unfortunate circumstances, of things or ideas that he has worked hard for.


This aspect can indicate a rebellious nature, especially against authority and the “establishment”. He could also be somewhat irresponsible and impatient in family matters, indicating a need to cultivate stability and practice patience.


This configuration indicates a strong awareness of prevailing social trends and institutions. He knows how to express himself and act effectively in order to gain social support of himself and partners.

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Charlie Hawes has developed a fascination for the spiritual and metaphysical world around us. He enjoys researching and sharing ideas about how to better understand ourselves and the worlds we live in. Read more