Biography: Chris Evans
Christopher Robert Evans is an American actor who became famous for his role as Captain America in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. He started out his career with appearances in television series, and soon landed roles in popular teen films.
His portrayal of Marvel Comics character Human Torch in 2005’s Fantastic Four and its 2007 sequel Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer gained him widespread attention. Evans went on to star in a number of other comic book adaptations and ensemble films, including The Avengers, Avengers: Age of Ultron, Avengers: Infinity War, and Avengers: Endgame. Evans also starred in the drama Gifted (2017), the mystery film Knives Out (2019), and the television miniseries Defending Jacob (2020). In addition to his roles in film,
Evans has been active in theatre from 2008 to present. In 2018, he made his Broadway debut in Kenneth Lonergan’s play Lobby Hero, for which he received a Drama League Award nomination.
Birth details
Chris Evans
Date of birth: June 13th, 1981
Place of Birth: Boston, Massachusetts
Time of birth: 11:20
Natal chart calculations
22 Gem 30 | 23 Sag 31 | ||
8 Sco 37 | 21 Lib 37 | ||
4 Can 35 | 7 Vir 15 | ||
10 Can 14 | 2 Gem 50 | ||
5 Gem 59 | 0 Lib 41 | ||
0 Lib 52 | 29 Lib 22 | ||
3 Lib 03 | 7 Cap 46 | ||
27 Sco 05 | 9 Aqu 42 |
Tropical Placidus Daylight Savings Time observed
GMT: 15:20:00 Time Zone: 5 hours West
Lat. and Long. of birth: 42 N 21 30 71 W 03 37
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Natal chart interpretation
Note: The following birth chart interpretation is for entertainment only and should not be viewed as a criticism or attack on the subject of the study. No offense is intended and no slight to character is meant.
The Sun is in Gemini from approximately May 21 through June 21. People born under the intellectual air sign Gemini are ruled by the Planet Mercury and are likely to think and act swiftly. Key words are mentality, versatility, and nonconformity; and the key phrase for Gemini is “I think”.
Astrologer Lewellyn George writes in the “A to Z Horoscope Maker and Delineator” ( Llewellyn Publications, Thirty-sixth Printing, 1974): “In Gemini the Sun makes the native sympathetic, kind hearted, affectionate, fond of home and children and easily influenced by kindness, at times to his detriment. Is sensitive, intuitional, idealistic. Fond of science and as a rule studious and usually endowed with great imaginative ability.
Possesses an active mind and can be relied upon to act quickly in an emergency. Is an experimenter and investigator, quick reasoner, generally a good writer; likes to be busy and can engage in two or more occupations at once but must be allowed to work in his own way. Changeful, inquiring, doubtful nature, hard to understand, but versatile, alert, dexterous and skillful. Is ambitious, aspiring and loves change and diversity”. (Written in about 1908).
Max Heindel in his book, “The Message of the Stars” (Rosicrucians, 1927), writes: “Gemini is a Mercurial sign and third in the gamut, hence this position gives a blended influence of the Sun, Mercury and the Third house.
This favors the expression of Mercury for it is the planet which stirs the vocal cords and produces sound in the Taurean larynx: it also favors writings and travel; the mind is brightened by the Sun in Gemini and when it is necessary or expedient to travel the person gains thereby physically and mentally. It gives pleasant, affable disposition which makes him generally liked among his associates.”
He is a communicator (I did NOT say “chatterbox!”), and speech is especially important to him. He has a need to identify and classify, for his mind jumps from one thing to another and words are anchoring safety devices which help keep him on track. Chris Evan is thirsty for knowledge and has a highly developed learning capacity.
His inventive imagination created a need for education from the time he was born, and could qualify him for professions in writing, research, and criticism. (He can be very good at criticism, however he tends to be charming, interesting and interesting.)
There is a dual quality to the Gemini personality. Variety is the spice of life for him, and Chris Evan is happiest when he has more than one dominant interest. He enjoys his hands being busy, which they are very capable of doing on their own while his mind and attention can jump around to many things at the same time.
He has to work at maintaining calmness of mind and body and the best discipline to achieve this might well begin by trying to keep his hands and feet still–and to eat slowly. It’s no use suggesting that he thinks slowly, for Chris Evan is a Gemini.
He is, in many ways, an eternal child. His mind is bright, alert, curious, flexible, playful, and always eager for new experiences. His attention span can be quite brief. He grasps ideas quickly and once his initial curiosity has been satisfied, he wants to go on to something else. He craves frequent change, and meeting new situations and new people.
He also has a rather light and mischievous sense of humor, and often does not take anything too seriously. Though he craves emotional involvement it is hard for him to achieve it, for Chris Evan is frequently unwilling to commit himself to anything, to take responsibility, or to limit his personal freedom.
He may live in his head a great deal (reading, observing, thinking, spinning ideas around) and he needs mental stimulation every bit as much as he needs food and drink. In fact, if he had to choose between a good book or movie and a good lunch, he would very likely choose one of the former.
He may enjoy great popularity because of his witty conversation, mental agility, sociability, courtesy, and intuition. However, Chris Evan is ever a nonconformist. He needs to maintain his separateness–he hates any kind of bondage, rebel against the status quo, resist authority, and never yield his individuality to one person or one place.
He needs to work at realizing his relationship to humanity’s common lot, and that cooperation is necessary to self-fulfillment. He have the potential to overcome deficiencies and negative tendencies and to reach high objectives in life.
People who have Virgo rising at the time of their birth are masters of detail, objectivity, and analysis. They are practical in their intellectual activities and pursuits and enjoy research and the collection of data. They need neatness and order in their environment and have difficulty functioning unless everything is in its place.
The planet Mercury rules Virgo and Gemini, bestowing quickness of intellect and rapidity in communications. While Gemini tends to fracture and scatter these influences, the Virgo native will focus, organize, and store them away–the intellectual pack rat of the Zodiac. Virgo is an Earth sign in the Mutable mode, bestowing both an earthy stability and flexible intellect.
People see him as objective and analytical. Chris Evan is probably very good at handling the routine kind of jobs that others want to avoid, especially if it involves ferreting out facts. Chris Evan is a master at making lists and he loves catalogs. He wants (and is likely to have) everything he needs right at hand, and will routinely take care of mail, phone calls and errands.
Others see him as modest, unobtrusive, and often rather quiet or shy. Chris Evan is a person who is content to be in the background or to serve as an assistant, in the supporting role rather than in the lead. Chris Evan is quite humble in his own assessment of himself. He has a very strong perfectionistic attitude, with a tendency to be overly self-critical.
No matter how well he does something, he always sees the flaws in it and how it could be improved. Often he will simply refuse to attempt something because he feels he cannot meet his own high standards.
He probably appear super-organized and orderly to others. Chris Evan is likely to rearrange his closets frequently, down to the last minute detail. Chris Evan is a sucker for rotating shelves, appliance holders, stackers, garment bags, shoe bags, sectioned containers, and drawer dividers. He will buy anything that promises to eliminate clutter and create order.
He is attracted to occupations that require his brilliant ability to analyze–teachers, editors, critics, actors, and writers–all have his personality characteristics. The majority of computer programmers surely share these traits. He may need to watch the tendency to overanalyze, and to become so immersed in detail that he fails to see the overall picture.
He appear to be “healthily skeptical”. He won’t chance being led down the garden path. He will question everything to avoid the danger of disillusionment. However, in the constant use of his practical intelligence to avoid a letdown, he may neglect the intuitive part of his mind.
He needs to work at developing his intuition and allow himself to accept some instinctual knowledge. He feels safe with facts, and insecure when dealing with concepts. He needs to learn and accept the difference between intellect and wisdom.
Others see him as super “picky”. Because of his neat and orderly mind, he may be quick to criticize those less organized. He may not realize how blunt or sharp he can be, and thus be totally unaware of his ability to hurt or wound–and he certainly doesn’t mean to.
To him, facts are just natural facts and everyone should know that. And Chris Evan is not given much to pampering or coddling. Chris Evan is not uncaring, but he need to be aware that his cool approach can come across like ice at times.
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Venus, planet of beauty, art, and social matters, rules Libra, sign of balance and fair play. When it is found in the second house of finances, money is likely to be made through partnerships or joint enterprises. It could be through activities under the Venus influence (arts, entertainment, real estate, sports), and more than likely through small business efforts. He likes nice things and may spend money, but he will also earn and save.
Libra is ruled by Venus, planet of beauty, art, and material possessions. In the third house of the thinking mind and communications, it influences an attitude of fair play and justice in all these matters. Chris Evan is brutally honest in communications efforts, and he will expect others to be honest with him. He will desire higher education, and a philosophy he can accept. He will like luxury and travel.
Jupiter, planet of expansion, rules Sagittarius. This Mutable Fire sign influences idealism and thrust. When it is found in the fourth house of home life, we can expect pride of home and family. The home may be moved from the childhood location, and, possibly from the country. He will like nice things in the home, and will spend energy and money to provide them. He also enjoys finery for himself.
Saturn, planet of discipline and limitations, rules Capricorn, an Earth sign in the Cardinal mode administrative, practical, persevering. When in the fifth house of romance and creative expression, the appearance could be cold and austere. Looks can be deceiving and could hide strong sex needs and desire. Expression can be deliberate. Gambling could be fortunate.
Aquarius is an Air sign in the Fixed mode. It signifies steadfastness, uniqueness, and strong social attitudes. Uranus, planet of ingenuity, sudden changes, and electricity rules Aquarius on this sixth house of work, service, and health, thus planet and sign modify each other. He will be influenced to apply all the above to the affairs of this house. He needs to take health concerns seriously, and try to avoid unrealistic idealism.
Pisces is ruled by Neptune, planet of mystery, misunderstandings, imagination, and inspiration. None of these are very positive influences toward the seventh house affairs of marriage, other partnerships, and relationships. He needs to be aware of the potential for deception and mystery, but positive imagination and inspiration from the higher octave of Neptune can help him rise above them. He could have good intuition, but will need to watch out for tendencies to be overly passive and a reluctance to take action.
Aries is a Fire sign in the Cardinal mode, ruled by Mars, planet of action. When on the cusp of the eighth house of death, inheritance, legal affairs and other people’s money, it could influence him to take unhealthy chances in these areas of activity. Death will be an extremely unpleasant subject of thought or conversation, usually resulting in the avoidance of his responsibilities. He will need to be extremely careful to not take risks in the other affairs of this house.
Mars, the action planet of fire and energy, rules Aries, sign of new beginnings. This combination, in the ninth house of the higher mind and needs, can produce the crusader instinct. Chris Evan is not likely to be limited by traditional religious dogma, but visionary thought will influence studies into the occult.
This is the house of the career and Gemini is the house of the twins duality. It is ruled by Mercury visionary, mystical, secretive. Any career activity here will move rapidly or boredom will set in. More than one skill is required, or more than one profession is followed It is easy to do more than one thing at a time.
This is the house of friendship, love received, hopes and goals. Cancer is a Water sign in the Cardinal mode and influences emotions and security. It is ruled by the Moon, the most emotional planet. This configuration indicates strong emotional ties with friends. He may adopt a mothering attitude towards them, and need to be careful to select a majority of friends who are stable and steadfast. He can be emotionally drained by friends through his own intuitive empathy, so he sometimes needs to keep a distance.
Leo is a Fixed, Fire sign, ruled by the Sun. When in the twelfth house of the subconscious and hidden matters, it can help to provide illumination into the dark recesses of the mind. He needs time alone to explore the subconscious, and is likely to be attracted to things of the occult. Seek positive directions in occult studies. He could have sudden mystic insights.
The following planetary sign and house positions are determined by HIS birth data. There are 384 variations of these positions, as well as many other variables, but only 25 of them apply to each individual. The possibility of another person having the same combination of positions is practically non-existent.
The Sun and the Moon are known as the “Lights” and are not planets in the technical sense of the word. However, they are the most visible and perhaps more influential in affecting man’s awareness than all of the other heavenly bodies put together. The blend of the Sun-Moon influences, from the signs they are in, and whether they are in aspect or not, are extremely significant to the personality profile of the new life.
The relationship of the Sun and Moon to each other by their position, sign, and aspect and their relationship to the Ascendant can sometimes provide us with an extremely accurate mini-interpretation of the chart. The interpretation of his Sun-Moon combination is printed next. Study it carefully as well as the next three Sun and Moon sign delineations.
Mercury rules Gemini and Pluto rules Scorpio. This gives emotional intensity to the active intellect of the Gemini Sun. Intellectual quickness and emotional depth can create an extremely forceful magnetism. Chris Evan is outwardly a cool-hearted loner, but Chris Evan is likely to be burning with secret passions inside which make him emotionally vulnerable. Major troubles can come from the opposite sex. He has a brilliant and perceptive mind; clever with words, but they can be laced with sarcasm.
He would be a very creative writer, musician, doctor, or spy (or Indian Chief!). He can achieve just about whatever he set out to do, but he might not always make friends doing it. He needs to be aware of the feelings of others around him, and to learn the art of diplomacy and cooperation. Not many will have either the mental or emotional power that he has with this combination, but he does need others nevertheless. Patience is the watchword.
The Sun in the houses represents the departments of life most strongly affected by the individual will and power potential. Tenth house position generally indicates persons who are ambitious to attain positions of responsibility, power, and authority. Chris Evan is likely to be rather dignified and he has a strong will to succeed. He desires honor and recognition and will work hard to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to achieve his goals. Chris Evan is probably a good manager and demands respect. He also wants to set a good example for others. He needs to watch out for an excessive love of power and for dictatorial attitudes.
In mythology the Moon is always female as the Sun is always male. In most ancient religions and cults, the Moon represents the female force which reflects the male force of the Sun. In astrology, “she” bestows her indiscriminative influences upon both male and female alike, though each sex might respond to the influences in different ways. The Moon in the signs indicates the emotional responses to life’s situations. It determines how they are likely to react to external influences and to the actions of others.
In Scorpio it indicates strong, biased emotions based on willful desire. The inclination toward brooding can be a serious character trait which is usually present in persons with this sign, and he needs to avoid allowing himself to harbor negative feelings. This is not an easy sign to live with, but when self is conquered he can find that no sacrifice is too great to achieve a worthwhile objective. Scorpio is a dual sign in which man’s higher instincts are striving to rise above his baser desires.
He does nothing half-way. The emotional Moon is totally indentured to support what his intellect is convinced is true. He will let nothing or no one stand in his way of accomplishing that which he set out to do. Because of this determination and drive he can accomplish just about anything he wishes. He does need to be extra careful that his goals are worthwhile and positive.
His romantic and sexual drives are strong and demanding. Chris Evan is not the shy one, and will certainly let them be known. Relationships are important to him, but he will tend to dominate them at least to want them on his own terms. He will contribute much: AND expect much in return.
At some point in his life there is likely to be a drastic change in the way he sees things. His focus will change from personal interests and desires to world vision. He has much to give the world. His power to make changes are enormous, possibly through politics and statesmanship. He will not be swayed. Selfish desires, stubbornness, and the wish to control can be turned into a positive drive to accomplish good deeds. Chris Evan is likely to be significant in some way of making the world a better place.
The Moon in the houses indicates the areas of daily activity through which his feelings are manifested, and gives clues to the type of activity on the domestic scene. In the Third House, it indicates Chris Evan is prone to daydreaming and fantasy, and his thinking is strongly influenced by his imagination. He has an insatiable curiosity, tires quickly of routine, and is constantly moving about. He relates well with siblings, and considers family to even include the neighbors. He needs to watch out for emotional biases, and allow for the reasonable ideas of others.
Mercury in the signs gives clues to the kinds of concerns that occupy his mind, and reveals his psychological approach to making decisions and conveying his ideas to others. In Cancer, unconscious desires can cause him to look at some facts and ignore others. This can interfere with objective thinking and cause prejudice. His mind will be influenced by deep-seated emotional patterns. Most of his mental processes can occur on a subconscious level, and he may actually learn from “osmosis”.
Chris Evan is very sensitive, and may have a tendency to believe that everything done or said is directed toward him, personally. He can be overly influenced by the attitudes and opinions of others. The message here is to think for himself, and practice getting him out of the center of the universe. Subliminal intelligence is a powerful gift. Seek spiritual guidance to use it well, and constantly practice bringing the subconscious out to conscious thinking.
Mercury in the house deals with the practical affairs that occupy his mind, and shows what areas of activity will be influenced by his thoughts and communications. In the tenth house it indicates Chris Evan is likely to pursue education for reasons of professional ambition. Chris Evan is likely to have a good organizational ability and the capacity to plan for the future. His career is not likely to be accidental.
Chris Evan is able to communicate with people of power and prestige, and with the public, so that politics would be natural for him. Whatever his occupation, it will involve communications media. Ambition is the keyword in this position, but beware that it could take precedence over principles.
Venus in the signs indicates how he expresses his emotions in personal relationships and influences his attitude toward material things, creature comforts, and social and aesthetic values. In the sign Cancer it indicates deep sensitivity in all his romantic feelings. Chris Evan is likely to be extremely emotional and his feelings easily hurt.
His moods will be fluctuating and unpredictable, but Chris Evan is likely to hide behind a dignified exterior. He craves both financial and emotional security, and is likely to seek them in marriage. Venus in Cancer produces the mothers of the world, both male and female. He wants his home to be the center of social activities and will strive to provide it with comfort and beauty. He needs to watch out for unstable emotional reactions, maudlin sentimentality, and the tendency to sulk.
Venus in the houses indicates how he expresses himself socially, artistically, and romantically in the various areas of his life. In the eleventh house, it indicates warm friendships and relationships established through group activities.
Kindness gets kindness in return. He will have many friends of the opposite sex. Friends often become romantic partners and romantic partners often become good friends. Strong alliances with musicians and other artists are strongly indicated.
The position of Mars in the signs provides information about his characteristic modes of action and type of ambition. Mars is the action planet, and in Gemini it indicates mental activity and aggressiveness. He has an active and critical mind with an understanding of engineering and mechanical skills.
Chris Evan is likely to be very ingenious and resourceful. Great restlessness is indicated, with the possibility of many changes of occupation. Ideally, he are most suited for occupations requiring many skills, including both intellectual and mechanical challenges
and some travel.
Mars in the houses indicate the departments of life in which he expresses his actions and desires and where he needs to use energy and initiative in order to get results. In ten, it influences his desire for fame and status.
He has a strong competitive drive to reach the top, and is likely to earn recognition in whatever he attempts to do. He can be a leader, and politics could be the field. His motives are materialistic, and he needs to avoid using unfair means to gain power and recognition.
Jupiter in the signs gives information concerning his ethical, religious, and philosophic standards and beliefs; and how he may express those interests. In the sign Libra it indicates a strong concern with justice and the moral principle in marriage, partnership, and close personal relationships.
Chris Evan is likely to look for a partner whose views in these areas correspond with hiss, and will feel a need for a solid domestic base for the freedom he needs to express his own beliefs and to influence improvements in the social order. He may need to watch for a tendency to make moral judgments and decisions for others. He may also see a tendency of others to show jealousy toward him, especially if he gets involved in too many personal relationships at once.
Jupiter in the houses indicates the departments of life and the types of activity through which he expresses his religious, philosophic, and educational ideas. In the second house, it can give him substantial business ability and good fortune regarding money and property.
Chris Evan is interested in psychology, education, travel, and publishing. He could express those interests by engaging in businesses related to real estate, domestic products, food, hospitals, and other institutions. Beware of over-extending himself and taking too much for granted.
Saturn in the signs indicates the areas in which he must accept responsibility and the ways in which he must practice discipline and develop maturity. In the sign Libra, the responsibilities focus on relationships and the laws of mutual commitment. Chris Evan is attractive, well-groomed, and always pays attention to “proper” dress. He can be rigid in principles, but independent and resourceful.
He has a need to know, which inspires investigations into the occult, and he should use his psychic abilities in the pursuit of knowledge. He needs to learn to be tolerant of mere mortals, and curb the tendencies to harbor resentments. Avoid abuse of alcohol and other drugs.
Saturn in the houses indicates the areas of life in which we must learn to act with discipline and to express practical ambition through maturity. In the second house it means ambition and hard work to acquire money, material possessions, and the status that goes with them. There is a tendency to frugality, which helps him get his money’s worth in most transactions.
Chris Evan is likely to have anxiety regarding finances and a strong urge to save for advanced age. There is a possibility of inheritance with Saturn in this house, or material gain through his father, employer, or people in positions of power. He needs to watch for selfishness and possessiveness of material things.
Uranus in the signs indicates ways in which he expresses his urge for freedom and individuality, and how he establishes his link with the Universal Mind. In Scorpio it gives him the powers of concentration, persistence, and determination. He can be highly sex-oriented, and one of the lessons to be learned here is the proper place for sex in his life.
He has extremely powerful emotions, and needs to exercise this power carefully lest he injure others around him and in his life. He have an inventive nature and a love for things mechanical, and Chris Evan is likely to succeed in anything he attempt
even against great odds.
Uranus in the houses indicates the types of activities through which he expresses his urge toward freedom and individuality. In the third house, brothers, sisters, friends, and neighbors are involved. His mind is curious and unconventional, and is likely to be reflected by those around him.
Collectively, he will pursue interests in the unusual, such as clairvoyance, clairaudience, telepathy, or spiritual healing. He may have sudden insights which can develop into inventions and creative technology. Beware of jumping to conclusions and impulsive changing of opinions.
Since Neptune spends about thirteen years in each sign, its influences are mostly generational. It indicates the kind of creative and imaginative cultural expressions he experiences. In Sagittarius the emphasis is on positive expression of higher religious and spiritual values. He will search for more personal contact with God through his inner being, probably through forms of meditation.
Neptune in the houses indicates how he expresses his mystical potential, and may reveal some of the karma produced by his past actions. In the fourth house the focus is on the domestic scene. He likes to live close to nature (especially, close to a body of water) and have some of the same kind of feelings toward his family as toward the earth. These are strong unconscious ties and are related to his karma.
One of his parents is/was probably very psychic. Family secrets and mysteries regarding his home life are likely. He wants to mother the world, so that he actually has an extended family and feels strong emotional ties to all those recognized as “family”. Beware of tendencies to over-protectiveness and isolation of family from the real world. Avoid alcohol and drugs.
The Influence of Pluto in the signs is also more historical and generational than personal. Individual influences are likely to produce permanent change. In Libra the indication is toward the conscious responsibilities for fellow men through justice, human relations, social expression and psychology.
The house position of Pluto shows in which departments of life he needs to exercise conscious creative willpower to regenerate himself and his surroundings. The second house focus is on money and material resources. He has a driving ambition to acquire and is likely to have great resourcefulness in making money. The basic lesson of this position is the need to understand that we are only stewards of material resources, which must be used unselfishly for the benefit of all.
Following are the interpretations of the planetary aspects to each other. Aspects are angular relationships between two or more planets that have been found to modify the influences bestowed. Significant angles are: Conjunction (same degree), Sextile (60 degrees), Square (90 degrees), Trine (120 degrees), and Opposition (180 degrees). Don’t worry that some of these individual interpretations seem to conflict. Remember we look at the whole person, and the separate parts can modify, reinforce, or nullify each other.
This opposition can cause confusion in romantic, religious, and personal relationships. Emotionalism can cause fantasies and wishful thinking on his part, making it easy for him to be deceived by others.
Certain biases from the past can cause distortion in his understanding. Remember that squares and oppositions are obstacles that provide opportunities for growth, and the message here is to strive for objectivity in his contacts with others. Be absolutely open and aboveboard in all his relationships.
This trine provides him with the ability to regenerate, upgrade, and transform all aspects of life. Chris Evan is likely to have insight into situations that lets him instinctively know just where and when to act most efficiently. He has strong powers of concentration and will. He could be clairvoyant, and intuitive abilities are usually present.
Chris Evan is interested in spiritual self-development and is likely to seek psychic knowledge and understanding through yoga and meditation. Know that there are negative psychic forces and seek only for positive direction.
This configuration may make him feel out of step with the rest of society. He may have difficulty in gaining recognition or fulfilling ambitions where women play a major part in the endeavor.
This trine between the planet of emotions and the planet of intellect can give him a good memory and a good working relationship between his conscious and his unconscious mind. Chris Evan is likely to be a good conversationalist because Chris Evan is truly interested in whomever Chris Evan is communicating with.
He can emotionally and logically understand and communicate the ordinary, daily life affairs, and he probably has a good business sense. This is a rare supportive aspect.
This trine is especially favorable for females as it enhances the traditional “feminine” virtues beauty, affection, gentleness, sympathy and empathy. It should give him a pleasant disposition and his presence will have a soothing effect on others. It bestows talent, possibly in the performing arts, but almost certainly, talent and good taste in domestic affairs.
This aspect bestows emotional balance, creating harmony between his conscious self and his unconscious feelings and emotions. It supports relationships with women in fact, helps him to work in harmony with individuals or the public.
This aspect could produce literary talent and poetic ability. Chris Evan is diplomatic when dealing with others as he wants beauty, balance, and harmony. His mental endeavors could be carried out through partnerships, and Chris Evan is likely to earn money within a corporate (cooperative) structure. He desires, most of all, to communicate love and good will.
This square can cause grandiose ideas which are difficult to work out and probably not practical. He wants to achieve such great things that he bite off more than he can chew. Chris Evan is generous and has good intentions, but could be weak in the planning and carry-through.
Squares provide motivation to change, and the key here is to learn to crawl before he walks, and walk before he runs. Contain his flights of fancy and be satisfied with progress on the way to completion.
This square brings the discipline of Saturn in play to limit the intellectualism of Mercury. It can cause a period of excessive worry, and inhibit the imagination. He needs to avoid lapsing into pessimism. He may just be “bucking the establishment” with this aspect, but the key is to learn from the disciplinary influences, and wait for more propitious times.
This configuration inclines him to be frank, direct, and forceful in his self-expression and in his dealings with others. It is likely to bring him much approval and respect. It can enhance communications skills and add intellectual dimensions to the feelings of Self. It is also favorable for gaining cooperation with others in partnerships and in marriage.
This is the aspect of the peacemaker. Chris Evan is likely to be very diplomatic and able to gain public favor. It could bring about a good marriage, relationship, or other partnership. Chris Evan is likely to always show a cheerful disposition.
This configuration indicates high ambition and the desire for recognition for prominence or position in the world and his profession.
Chris Evan is very competitive and will fight to get to the top. This position favors vocations and professions connected with machinery and engineering. It could also indicate the military as a career.
This position of Mars could cause him to project himself aggressively in his personal relations as well as in dealing with the public. Although aggressiveness, per se, is not negative, when carried to extremes, negative reactions can result.
This could manifest itself in marital or relationship problems, and could even be carried to the point of angry scenes and paranoia, causing unpopularity. The lesson here is to check his impulsiveness; to cultivate gentleness and diplomacy in dealing with others.
This trine gives the supportive action of Mars to the expansive philosophic and humanitarian influences of Jupiter. He will act upon his beliefs in a big way, whether religious, philanthropic, or psychic (or all three).
Chris Evan is enthusiastic and practical, and will gain understanding and wisdom through positive action. He will be interested in humanitarian causes, and will practice what he preaches. His enthusiasm will attract the kinds of friends he will need to support his humanitarian efforts. This aspect indicates good karma already worked out.
This trine provides him with patience to supplement his tremendous willpower. Chris Evan is likely to understand scientific principles and mathematical applications.
Chris Evan is highly ambitious, hardworking, and combines skill and daring with patience and planning to achieve his goals. Chris Evan is likely to handle stress well with a high source of stamina and strength; consequently, he will seldom be without serious or heavy responsibilities.
This configuration bestows charm, social grace, and good manners. It helps with good timing in relation to financial affairs, public relations, partnerships, social activities, and marriage. Chris Evan is likely to gain the approval of his society, and to keep in step with current vogues and economic trends.
This aspect gives him a serious outlook on life and some heavy responsibilities. Luck and discipline are not usually compatible. It takes patience to achieve goals, and there could be financial difficulties in expansion. Success could require several starts, but perseverance is the answer.
This aspect indicates a good attitude toward work and the profession. Others will recognize his basic honesty and sincerity and will help him to further his ambitions. It would favor a career in law or the ministry.
This aspect provides innovative approaches to new conditions, optimism, and originality. There may be prophetic insight into the future, a foreknowledge of things to come. He could be lucky in unexpected ways.
Chris Evan is likely to be very interested in philosophical and religious ideas, with much interest in the occult. This is a good aspect for astrologers. It is also supportive in all the people-helping-people kinds of endeavors. He could profit from new industries and new opportunities.
This aspect may encourage religious activities in the traditional sense, and can be good for social events.
This configuration contributes to a considerable desire for professional success and recognition. That can be gained through hard work, since a slow, steady climb to the top is indicated. All this will contribute toward a secure and orderly domestic life.
This configuration can help when his professional goals need the support and approval of traditional social customs and institutions. He can win support for his endeavors.
Because of the length of this aspect, it is more generational and historical than personal in its influences. It indicates a generation of social unrest, with social, political, and religious controversies. On the personal level, he needs to seek positive spiritual guidance for his psychic abilities, and to avoid escapism through the use of alcohol and drugs.
This trine allows him to take advantage of changes in the prevailing social attitudes and institutions. He can seize upon new opportunities and adjust quickly to new conditions. He could become a leader in social reforms.
This aspect has more general and historical connotations than personal, but in the personal interpretation it indicates unusual occult, intuitive, scientific, and aesthetic abilities. It could generate sudden and secret changes. He needs to concentrate on the positive occult powers.
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Charlie Hawes has developed a fascination for the spiritual and metaphysical world around us. He enjoys researching and sharing ideas about how to better understand ourselves and the worlds we live in. Read more