Biography: Harry Styles
Harry Edward Styles was born on 1 February 1994 in Redditch, Worcestershire, England. He is an English singer, songwriter, and actor. Harry’s musical career began in 2010 when he participated in the British music competition series The X Factor. After being eliminated early on, he was brought back to join the boy band One Direction. One Direction went on to become one of the best-selling boy bands of all time.
Styles released his self-titled debut solo album through Columbia Records in 2017. The album debuted at number one in the UK and the US, and became one of the world’s top-ten best-selling albums of the year.
Its lead single,Sign of the Times”, topped the UK Singles Chart. Styles made his acting debut in Christopher Nolan’s 2017 war film Dunkirk, and was also cast as a rock legend named Ally in director Guy Ritchie’s 2018 film King Arthur: Legend of the Sword. His second album, Fine Line (2019), debuted atop the US Billboard 200 with the biggest first-week sales by an English male artist in history.
Critically acclaimed, Styles has been recognized as one of the best-dressed British men at various events, including the Met Gala and the 2018 MTV Video Music Awards. He is known for his flamboyant taste in fashion, becoming the first man to appear solo on the cover of Vogue magazine.
Birth details
Harry Styles
Date of birth: February 1st, 1994
Place of Birth: Redditch, England
Time of birth: 12:06
Natal chart calculations
12 Aqu 24 | 21 Cap 38 | ||
18 Lib 18 | 27 Sco 51 | ||
0 Pis 05 | 14 Gem 54 | ||
16 Aqu 06 | 8 Aqu 37 | ||
3 Aqu 22 | 3 Can 26 | ||
13 Sco 32 | 19 Can 54 | ||
0 Pis 25 | 4 Vir 56 | ||
23 Cap 26 | 18 Lib 59 |
Tropical Placidus Standard time observed
GMT: 12:06:00 Time Zone: 0 hours West
Lat. and Long. of birth: 52 N 19 1 W 56
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Natal chart interpretation
Note: The following birth chart interpretation is for entertainment only and should not be viewed as a criticism or attack on the subject of the study. No offense is intended and no slight to character is meant.
The Sun is in Aquarius from approximately January 20 through February 18. Key words are humanitarianism, independence, and originality: key phrase, “I know”. Symbol of the sign is the water-bearer, who spills out the life force and spiritual energy to mankind. Friendship and companionship are extremely important to Aquarians under the rulership of the planet Uranus.
Llewellyn George in his “A to Z Horoscope Maker and Delineator” (Llewellyn Publications, Thirty-sixth Printing, 1974), writes: “In Aquarius the Sun gives a quiet, patient, determined, unobtrusive and faithful nature, as a rule.
The Aquarian is refined, pleasant, friendly, generous, charitable, dignified and humanitarian; fond of art, music, scenery, literature; cautious, steady, intelligent, intuitive, discriminative, concentrative, studious, thoughtful and philosophical. Good reasoner, practical as well as theoretical; strong likes and dislikes and often very radical and advanced ideas; is cheerful, sincere, and honest, easily influenced by kindness, slow to anger, but will not be driven; loves liberty and is fond of occult research.”
“Sun in Aquarius gives the person an intuitive perception of the inner nature of things and a touch with the forces and ideas of the spiritual realms which leads him to take up when possible, new and advanced cults, or methods of healing such as Naturopathy, Electro-therapy, Astro-therapy, Magnetic Healing, etc. Harry Styles is also drawn to scientific research and ultra-intellectual or strange religions.
This position gives much popularity and firm friends among people who are in a position to bestow favors and further the person’s attainment of his ambitions.” (Max Heindel, “The Message of the Stars”, Rosicrucians, 1927.)
In Aquarius the Sun gives him a quiet, patient, determined, unobtrusive and faithful nature. There is no affectation or snobbery in his personality, for he dislikes imitation and hypocrisy in any form. He operates as an equal among equals, but he sometimes feels that others are unreceptive to him or that they are incapable of comprehending his ideas. He can become annoyed when people fail to understand him. He can be determined and stubborn and may even appear eccentric to others.
His interests and pursuits are more intellectual than physical, and Harry Styles is not likely to be very sports minded. He may long for material possessions, but Harry Styles is never greedy. He loves the beauties of nature, but he likes to admire them in comfort. He should be aware of a tendency to exaggerate his problems, as this could shadow his brightness and charm which are the attributes that make the most attractive.
He does his best work when pursuing an ideal in which his excellent memory, creativity, knowledge, love of freedom, and humanitarianism can find their outlet. He can appear to be a tireless worker, but his appearance of calm can be deceptive. He takes work very seriously, so nervous tensions and apprehensions may seldom leave him.
Harry Styles is most comfortable when working within an organization and in group activities. His interest and sympathy for human problems win the respect and confidence of those around him.
He will insist upon living his own life as he sees fit, even if that means ignoring convention and tradition. In personal relationships he cannot be owned or possessed, and while Harry Styles is willing to share himself with another, he does not always adjust easily to the emotional give and take of a close relationship.
He gets honest enjoyment from meeting new people and exchanging ideas. He may be anything or nothing, but Harry Styles is never lonely–his group instinct will always direct him to where the people are, or else they will come to him. He has friends of both sexes and sees no reason for giving them up, even after marriage.
Harry Styles is forward-looking and progressive, and he harbors great hopes for the future. He stays up-to-date on current affairs, and responds to contemporary cultural trends, both in terms of personal style and in terms of ideas. As we enter the “Aquarian Age”, the ideals of his Aquarius Sun-sign personality will provide the inspiration and guidelines for the unification and regeneration of our planet, World, through a better understanding and application of universal love.
Harry Styles is fair, intelligent, objective and rational, and he often lets his head rule rather than his heart. He may appear self-sufficient and emotionally detached because Harry Styles is capable of putting aside his personal feelings and viewing things dispassionately. Consequently, when he makes up his mind on an issue, he can be quite determined and difficult to change.
Life is never dull around a Gemini rising. People with this Ascendant can be entertaining for hours because they cannot stand to be bored themselves. They need constant mental stimulation because their active minds simply will not rest.
Mercury rules the sign Gemini. This is the planet of mentality, thought, speech, and communication. The person with this Ascendant is a fascinating conversationalist, as words and ideas are his or her specialty. The word “mercurial” describes the mentality to a tee. Gemini is an air sign, making swiftness of the intellect even more pronounced, and it is in the mutable mode, emphasizing changeability. The symbol of Gemini is the twins. Those with this sign rising are accused of having a dual personality.
Others may feel that he talks out of both sides of his face, and follows a rather erratic course of action. He can appear irresponsible at times, for he will not allow himself to be trapped under heavy and dampening pressures. Drudgery or routine can squelch his spirit more than anything else. He needs to be valued and appreciated, but may shun obligation. Eventually, however, this very behavior will lead him to his highest expression.
He may be accused of having a dual personality, and he may actually feel safer if he has two situations in his life at once–be it personal or business. In reality, Harry Styles is only exhibiting the duality of the human condition. Each person is body and soul and the tug of both is heavy. The pull of the pair of polar opposites can be intense, causing him to swing rapidly like a pendulum until he understands the necessity of bringing the spiritual and the physical together within himself.
When he doesn’t feel safe with a situation, he can remove himself without ever leaving the scene. If he decides to shut someone out, his warmth can disappear as if behind a cloud and the chill that is left can be very penetrating. Part of his appeal may be that people just never know exactly where they stand with him. He can outtalk, outthink, outsmart and outmaneuver them all the time. He will respect them if they CAN keep up with him, but will not like it if they should get ahead of him.
Others may see him as “spacey”. If he cannot express his true curiosity and interest, he can readily escape into a fantasy world. Harry Styles is not able to take much punishment or heavy judgment, for Harry Styles is deeply sensitive. If he holds a ball of mercury in the palm of his hand gently, it nestles in one spot, but if he pushes his finger down on it, it just simply slides away. As a very childlike person, he does the same thing. He slides into his rich imagination and retreat inside himself.
Harry Styles is always questioning and learning. He will always appear heng and alive no matter what his chronological age, for his mind is always alert, curious, flexible, and open to new experiences. He has a childlike enthusiasm for anything new and he learns easily, but he also gets bored rather quickly. He can appear to be something of a scatterbrain, for he tends to have so many ideas and irons in the fire that it is hard to keep track of them all.
Harry Styles is actually able to do at least two things at once, especially something with his hands while Harry Styles is doing something with his mind. He needs and craves variety, change, mental stimulation, and an active social life.
He may seem frivolous to other more serious souls. He has a sense of humor and a sense of perspective that prevents him from taking himself (or life) too seriously. In fact he may seem flippant or unconcerned about matters that others consider very important. However, he responds to life mentally and objectively, rather than emotionally, and he may not empathize with serious people very much. But no matter how badly he may be feeling, he never appears heavy or somber.
He will achieve true fulfillment only when he can pull the spiritual and physical aspects of his being together by eliminating the so-called “split” personality.
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The Moon rules Cancer and when this sign is on the second house of money and worth, he will relate to financial affairs in an emotional way. Both making and spending money is likely to be affected by emotional needs. The ideal way for this person to earn money is by supplying what others need for growth and nourishment. Nurturing human services would fill the emotional balance. Harry Styles is likely to have a nest egg tucked away to which Harry Styles is emotionally attached and which he will protect at all costs.
When this emotional sign with the Moon ruler is on the cusp of the third house of communications, thinking mind, travel, and writing, Harry Styles is likely to travel in connection with business and financial affairs. He can express himself on an emotional level with understanding of how the recipient feels about his communications. This would serve him well if he should try his hand at writing. Her intuitions are well tuned, but intellectual objectivity could be a problem because it is difficult for her to think unemotionally.
The Sun rules Leo and, when in the fourth house of domesticity and the home, it can truly make the home a place for him to “shine”. Her home may be a showplace where he can express his creativity and status. He can express his power most comfortably through home and family. He probably loves to entertain, and his guests are treated with warmth and love.
Mercury, planet of intellect, rules Virgo, the sign of order and organization. In the fifth house of children, romance, and creative expression, they encourage careful, analytical thinking with close attention to detail. Harry Styles is likely to be a perfectionist in social affairs and overly critical in affairs of the heart. He wants everything (and everyone) in its (their) proper place. He will have very high expectations for both lovers and his children (whether they be physical children or “children of the mind”). Loved ones could become ill at ease with his scrupulous organizational tendencies.
Libra is ruled by Venus, planet of talent, aesthetics, and the good things of life. When it is combined with this sign of fair play and ambition in the sixth house of work, service, and health, they provide a very strong combination of influences for the achievement of goals. Work will be original and consistent, with a real concern for the welfare of others, and generally good health can be expected.
Jupiter, planet of expansion, philosophy, and “good fortune”, rules Sagittarius, which is the sign of optimism and ideals. When this combination is found in the seventh house of relationships, marriage and other partnerships, the results can be mutually rewarding. The marriage partnerships could become a business partnership, and either is likely to include financial reward.
Saturn, planet of discipline and limitations, rules Capricorn, which can influence dedication and the serious approach. When this combination is found in the eighth house of needs, other’s resources, and death, they can cause extremely heavy feelings of responsibility. He can readily share his resources with others, but unless he earns his own he will be uncomfortable with others sharing their resources with him. Capricorn is a good business sign, and he could be a good financial advisor concerning other people’s money. This can also indicate an inheritance of some kind, but if so, it is likely to be limited and very structured
more like a trust.
Capricorn with Saturn ruling on the ninth house of the higher mind, religion, philosophy, travel, publishing, etc., will encourage a conservative approach to all these matters. The philosophical outlook can be restricted by materialism, and perhaps the most comfortable way of expressing humanitarian instincts is through the profession. Harry Styles is likely to be attracted to the more traditional types of religion and education, but any efforts he begins in these areas will be serious and determined.
When Aquarius, ruled by Uranus, is found on the tenth house of ambition, career, profession, and esteem, there will be a mixture of the unusual and the stable
or a fluctuation between the two. He will bring unusual insights into his work, which could be performed within a large organization, corporation, or a structured institution. This favors the human service careers doctors, nurses, social workers, counselors, etc.
Pisces, on his eleventh house of friends, goals, and love received, is ruled by Neptune, planet of vision and mystery. He will have many friends, some of whom may be very unusual. Harry Styles is able to establish empathy and insight with friends and groups in which he becomes involved. However, he can tend to be rather indiscriminate in accepting friendships. As a result, he runs the risk of sometimes getting hurt and disappointed by friends or groups that he becomes involved with.
Mars is the ruler of Aries, and this combination of action and impulsiveness on the twelfth house of limitations, hidden meanings, and the subconscious could be interesting to say the least! He can be decisive and courageous, but he needs to curb impulsive actions. He could secretly initiate activities with much hidden support, but he needs to practice being more open and less secretive, especially where his emotions are concerned.
The following planetary sign and house positions are determined by HIS birth data. There are 384 variations of these positions, as well as many other variables, but only 25 of them apply to each individual. The possibility of another person having the same combination of positions is practically non-existent.
The Sun and the Moon are known as the “Lights” and are not planets in the technical sense of the word. However, they are the most visible and perhaps more influential in affecting man’s awareness than all of the other heavenly bodies put together. The blend of the Sun-Moon influences, from the signs they are in, and whether they are in aspect or not, are extremely significant to the personality profile of the new life.
The relationship of the Sun and Moon to each other by their position, sign, and aspect and their relationship to the Ascendant can sometimes provide us with an extremely accurate mini-interpretation of the chart. The interpretation of his Sun-Moon combination is printed next. Study it carefully as well as the next three Sun and Moon sign delineations.
These are two Air signs trine to each other. Aquarius is in the Fixed mode and Libra is in Cardinal. The social and the romantic become extreme in their importance. Harry Styles is great fun, easy-going, and a great friend to everybody, but he may be a little unreliable in close relationships. His easy acceptance by society may diminish drive and persistence, and the ambition could suffer.
He will be good in almost any field that does not require too much steady effort. Harry Styles is extremely loyal, fair-minded, and has a strong sense of justice. He will be hurt by infidelity in any form. The key here is to try to avoid judgmentalism, and learn to “live and let live”.
The Sun in the houses represents the departments of life most strongly affected by the individual will and power potential. Tenth house position generally indicates persons who are ambitious to attain positions of responsibility, power, and authority. Harry Styles is likely to be rather dignified and he has a strong will to succeed.
He desires honor and recognition and will work hard to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to achieve his goals. Harry Styles is probably a good manager and demands respect. He also wants to set a good example for others. He needs to watch out for an excessive love of power and for dictatorial attitudes.
In mythology the Moon is always female as the Sun is always male. In most ancient religions and cults, the Moon represents the female force which reflects the male force of the Sun. In astrology, “she” bestows her indiscriminative influences upon both male and female alike, though each sex might respond to the influences in different ways. The Moon in the signs indicates the emotional responses to life’s situations. It determines how they are likely to react to external influences and to the actions of others.
In Libra, it indicates a strong sensitivity to the attitudes and reactions of others, especially marriage partners and close working partners. He dislikes vulgarity, and there is a charm, grace, and elegance about his personal appearance and mannerisms. Harry Styles is idealistic about what is fair and just and can get extremely emotional when conditions appear otherwise.
Harry Styles is probably a domestic person: he likes a home life, and the home can become a “Home-base” for the rest of his activities. His tastes are aesthetic and his home will be attractive if not downright elegant.
He likes people and constantly makes new friends. He will not abide prejudice and enjoy companionship with people who share those traits with him. Intimate relationships are important to him, and he will be seeking emotional balance from them. He may have difficulty ending relationships which are not good for him, but if they don’t work, he will need to learn how to let them go. Inharmonious relationships can actually have an adverse effect upon his health, for he needs the approval of others.
His ambitions may wax and wane from hot to cold. Harry Styles is a good communicator and mediator. Human services could be his field. Many judges have Libra strongly placed in their Natal chart. He may need to be careful about becoming a little fanatic about what is fair and just.
Harry Styles is likely to be courteous, gracious, and kind to everyone and he wants the same from them. He can excel in public relations, and his home is likely to be the gathering place for social activities. He needs to watch for excessive dependence upon others for emotional security.
The Moon in the houses indicates the areas of daily activity through which his feelings are manifested, and gives clues to the type of activity on the domestic scene. In the Fifth House, it indicates that his romantic attractions and pleasures will be heavily influenced by his imagination and emotional needs. He needs to watch out for tendencies toward emotional dependency upon his mate or emotional partner. He likes lots of activity in his enterprises and may be drawn toward speculation.
Mercury in the signs gives clues to the kinds of concerns that occupy his mind, and reveals his psychological approach to making decisions and conveying his ideas to others. When it is found in Pisces, the native is likely to learn more from “osmosis” than through disciplined study. He arrives at conclusions on the basis of intuitive perceptions from the unconscious mind rather than through logical reasoning.
This is not to say Harry Styles is not capable of logical and disciplined thought, however. It is just that he has a vivid imagination and an almost photographic ability to visualize thoughts and ideas. Harry Styles is likely to find he has telepathic powers and may be able to communicate with others on a subconscious level. Be aware that his emotions are likely to fluctuate, and could be easily played upon.
There will also be periods when he will find decision-making difficult. Harry Styles is probably secretive with his private thoughts. The key here is to share with others openly and practice trust in others. He will probably automatically know whom he can trust because of his empathy and intuition.
Mercury in the houses deals with the practical affairs that occupy his mind, and shows what areas of activity will be influenced by his thoughts and communications. In the tenth house it indicates Harry Styles is likely to pursue education for reasons of professional ambition. Harry Styles is likely to have a good organizational ability and the capacity to plan for the future. His career is not likely to be accidental.
Harry Styles is able to communicate with people of power and prestige, and with the public, so that politics would be natural for him. Whatever his occupation, it will involve communications media. Ambition is the keyword in this position, but beware that it could take precedence over principles.
Venus in the signs indicates how he expresses his emotions in personal relationships, and his attitudes toward money, personal possessions, creature comforts, and social and aesthetic values. In Aquarius, it indicates an impersonal but friendly emotional outlook
he wants to be friendly with everyone, but not necessarily on a personal level. Yet, Harry Styles is likely to be popular and to have many friends. He has an unusually sparkling, effervescent quality in his personal manner. Intellectual stimulation is important in romance and marriage, and he may be attracted to ingenious or eccentric types. Romantic attractions are often sudden and casual, not necessarily stable and lasting.
He likes money, but likes what it will buy more. He may be attracted to art forms that are extremely modern or extremely ancient. Harry Styles is likely to have a special attraction for electronic art forms, or for art appreciation through electronic media. Beware of the potential for sudden and radical changes in his emotional outlook. He may have a hidden desire for greater emotional freedom for himself, but harbor stubborn attitudes toward emotional freedom for others.
Venus in the houses indicates how he expresses himself socially, artistically and romantically in the various areas of his life. Tenth house position indicates social and artistic ambitions. He will probably choose a profession related to the arts and is likely to have the talent to achieve recognition. He will do well in dealing with the opposite sex, and are likely to seek marriage with someone who can further his artistic career. Harry Styles is likely to receive status and wealth from a romantic partner.
Mars in the signs provides information about his characteristic modes of action and type of ambition. Mars is the action planet and in the sign Aquarius, his actions may be inspired by a superior level of intelligence. He will demand the freedom to do things in his own way. His strong desire for independence may cause him to pursue unusual or unorthodox courses of action. He will learn most from his own mistakes, but he does need to learn to practice teamwork and cooperation with others.
Mars in the houses indicate the departments of life in which he exerts energy to express his actions and desires. Ninth house position bestows interests in travel and outdoor sports: and, in religious, philosophical, social, and educational causes. He will push for the ideals he believes in, and will actively support institutions which support his views. He believes in action, not just words. He likes adventure, and may seek broad experiences. He will need to develop tolerance and understanding for those who do not share his convictions.
Jupiter in the signs indicates his ethical, religious, and philosophical standards and beliefs, and how he may express these interests. Jupiter in Scorpio gives him a powerful will and deep emotions. His mind is active and analytical, proud and aggressive, and can function both constructively and destructively with the same amount of enthusiasm.
The message here is the strong need for discipline and positive direction. Follow his inclination toward metaphysical and occult studies, seeking positive directions in the psychic regions of his mind. Avoid any attempts to enforce his beliefs upon others and moderate his tendencies to control their social conduct and principles.
Jupiter in the houses deals with the departments of life and the types of activity through which he expresses his religious, philosophical, and educational ideas. In the sixth house, it influences him to seek practical ways of service and constructive work to contribute to the welfare of others and the social order.
Harry Styles is likely to be interested in healing of the body and mind, with an innate understanding of the relationship of the mental and emotional states to the physical. He will probably explore the various methods of spiritual healing as a result of that intuitiveness. He will be respected and well-liked in his philosophical efforts. He needs to avoid overindulgence in food, drink, or drugs lest addiction and/or health problems develop.
Saturn in the signs indicates the areas in which he must accept responsibility, and the ways in which he must practice discipline and develop maturity. This can be a difficult position because the deep emotional feelings and intuition which are identified with the sign Pisces do not lend themselves well to the order and disciplinary influences of Saturn. These influences can cause anxieties and feelings of guilt from unknown, or subconscious sources.
There can also be obsessions with past behavior, some known and some unknown, with a tendency to dwell in the past and not to be able to let it go. However, when the influences of Saturn can be applied positively to these anxieties and emotional discomforts, the thinking mind can help organize his thoughts in therapeutic and progressive ways. He will require time alone for meditation and spiritual direction.
With spiritual growth and greater spiritual understanding, this planetary position can provide great power for understanding and helping others. He can uncover the sources of confusion and reveal subliminal methods of dealing with many of the hidden lower forces which are detrimental to man’s spiritual progress.
Saturn in the houses indicates the areas of life in which we must learn to act with discipline and to express practical ambition through maturity. In ten, strong career ambitions and the drive for status through his profession is paramount. Moral integrity and hard work is likely to help him achieve his desires, but avoid any tendency to compromise principles for the sake of ambition.
This position is sensitive to karmic laws and violating principles could result in heavy karmic penalties. These same laws, through positive application, can provide all he needs to succeed, but success is not hiss alone. He must fulfill his responsibility to the higher social order. Positive psychic guidance will show him how.
Uranus in the signs indicates ways in which he expresses his urge for freedom and individuality, and how he establishes his link with the Universal Mind. In Capricorn, it gives him good reasoning facilities and a profound, penetrating mind. He will wish to change the status quo in order to have more freedom and security for the future.
Harry Styles is likely to have strong “hunches”, or prevision, in public trends, thus putting him in a unique position to affect change. However, he needs to encourage naturally progressive methods not change for the sake of change, which could be destructive. He will need to try to curb a restless and impatient nature.
Uranus in the houses indicates the types of activities through which he expresses his urge toward freedom and individuality. In the ninth house the emphasis is on religion, philosophy, and higher education. Harry Styles is likely to have progressive and reformative ideas in these areas, and will seek his own methods of expression.
He will be attracted to the occult, and are likely to have intuitive, prophetic faculties. He likes investigations, and will travel at the drop of a hat or of a handbag. Harry Styles is interested in the remote past, far distances, and a utopian future. Beware of impractical ideas and fantasies, and avoid alcohol and drugs.
Neptune is more generational than personal. While it is in Capricorn, world governments will be in chaos. Economic and political structures will be brought down, and practical solutions will be sought. New forms of government and politics will emerge, with more and more emphasis upon one world government. Neptune vibrates at a high spiritual level, and in the life of the native, these influences will encourage the blending of the oneness of self with the Oneness of the Universe. Avoid mood altering drugs.
Neptune in the houses indicates how he expresses his mystical potential, and may reveal some of the karma produced by his past actions. Since the ninth house focuses on religion, the influences of Neptune are very strong here. Positive spirituality can be powerful and prophetic vision is possible.
The interest will surely be in the mystical forms of religion, and much seeking through study, prayer, and meditation may be necessary for him to find what is right for him. Beware of cultism and negative influences. Take care to distinguish the real spiritual teachers from the false, and do not fall victim to his own spiritual pride. Harry Styles is especially vulnerable to the influences of alcohol and other drugs.
Pluto is the ruler of Scorpio, and its influences are also generational. During the time Pluto is in this sign, the Piscean age comes to an end. All of the things that are wrong with our world will come into focus, and the message is “regenerate or die”. The human race will have no choice but to clean up the environment, to deal with sickness and famine, to establish viable world economic and political bases, and to implement effective social reforms. At the personal level, it encourages both physical and psychological health maintenance, and the establishment of positive personal values.
Pluto in the houses indicates in which departments of life he needs to exercise conscious creative willpower to regenerate himself and his surroundings. Sixth house position relates to work and employment. He could be employed in projects with environmental or personal health risks. He must apply his will in order to better his health through positive thinking and correct diet and hygiene. Spiritual healing power is likely to be available to him, and, if so, must be shared with others. He needs to practice conscious cooperation with co-workers, employers, and employees.
Following are the interpretations of the planetary aspects to each other. Aspects are angular relationships between two or more planets that have been found to modify the influences bestowed. Significant angles are: Conjunction (same degree), Sextile (60 degrees), Square (90 degrees), Trine (120 degrees), and Opposition (180 degrees). Don’t worry that some of these individual interpretations seem to conflict. Remember
we look at the whole person, and the separate parts can modify, reinforce, or nullify each other.
This conjunction gives power and energy to the emotions and artistic expression. It helps him to love life and himself, though he needs to watch out for narcissism. Harry Styles is fond of fun and social activities. The aspect gives her beauty and ease in self expression, and the ability to bring happiness to others. He should get along especially well with children, and he has strong affections and romantic drives.
This conjunction demands action. His willpower directs him into activities which require strength and courage, and Harry Styles is likely to be aggressive and self-assertive. The power from the Sun and the action from Mars will not let him be still for very long at a time. He will need to practice tolerance and patience, especially in how he uses his aggressiveness. When positively applied, this combination can be an awesome force in achieving whatever he set out to do.
This aspect gives him the potential for tremendous influence through his career, profession, and reputation. Ambition will be high and success will be important. Personal honor will certainly be a factor in career choices, which are likely to be in the public eye, such as teaching, politics, etc.
This square causes him to want to do everything right now. He wants to accomplish too much too fast without sufficient forethought and consideration. His self-image can be unrealistic and exaggerated, frustrating him when he attempts to broaden his self-expression. His mind and philosophy is just not tuned to the rest of the world. Efforts toward self-development should be carefully weighed and planned for. He needs to cultivate patience and practice discipline, looking far ahead, instead of only in the here and now.
This trine indicates a harmonious balance between the conscious expression of his will and the automatic emotional responses. It usually brings strong physical vitality and stamina, with good health and recuperative powers. Harry Styles is attractive to the opposite sex, and are able to function well in his social relationships because of his inner harmony. This aspect promotes self-confidence and optimism. He likes children and works well with them.
This aspect of the Sun gives he will-power and energy. The influence of the Sun on the Ascendant helps harmonize his relationships. It bestows self-confidence, optimism, and an optimistic disposition.
This aspect can cause sudden and unexplained mood changes. He craves excitement and will move on to another activity if the one Harry Styles is involved in bores him. There can be unstable domestic situations, and sudden misfortunes accidents, ill health, other catastrophes
can occur without warning. He may have a strong desire to wipe out the past and strike out in new directions. Emotional excitement is important to him. Harry Styles is likely to have a fertile and unusual imagination, and to be exceptionally talented for new endeavors.
Some of the obstacles produced by this square include confusion, unreasonable fantasies, muddled home life, and a lack of grip on reality. It can indicate emotional indulgence with the risk of addiction to alcohol and drugs. There can be mediumistic tendencies with which he needs to be extremely careful, always seeking appropriate spiritual guidance. The message here is to practice getting himself out of the way and focus on doing good for others. Seek true spiritual guidance through prayer and meditation.
This trine is especially favorable for females as it enhances the traditional “feminine” virtues
beauty, affection, gentleness, sympathy and empathy. It should give him a pleasant disposition and his presence will have a soothing effect on others. It bestows talent, possibly in the performing arts, but almost certainly, talent and good taste in domestic affairs.
This configuration contributes to constructive expressions of the emotions. It also enhances sensitivity to other’s emotions. His imagination is active and in harmony with domestic and social situations.
This aspect provides order and logic to the thoughts and communications of Mercury. It will help in projects or endeavors that require careful planning and discipline to carry them out. It can provide structure to the imagination and vivid powers of visualization.
This square permits him to see through any situation, and may make the firm and direct in speech. He will “say what he means, and mean what he says”. He may be secretive and suspicious until Harry Styles is ready to make his move, so he comes across as cunning and quiet. He can alienate others by his harsh words, and it could be better if he remains silent until the facts reveal themselves. Harry Styles is strong-willed with this aspect, and he must use caution that it is not mis-directed.
This configuration is likely to set his expression and communications in conflict with the prevailing attitudes of society. He can be misunderstood and met with social disapproval because he speaks out at the wrong time or place. The key is to hold back his opinions when in doubt.
This square implies tendencies toward self-indulgence, idle luxury, laziness, and meaningless social activities. He does not want to admit to bad feelings, and is likely to camouflage them with emotional hypocrisy. The lesson here is to practice openness and honesty. Learn to appreciate the true value of things, and cultivate means of communicating with the spiritual Source of all things. Avoid indulging in alcohol and other drugs.
This trine bestows a gentleness of nature and a pleasing personality and appearance. His awareness of others and interest in them can assure that he will be well liked. His popularity could be a strong factor in a successful marriage. Musical and/or artistic ability is indicated
if not through participation, then by way of appreciation.
This configuration indicates high ambition and the desire for recognition for prominence or position in the world and his profession. Harry Styles is very competitive and will fight to get to the top. This position favors vocations and professions connected with machinery and engineering. It could also indicate the military as a career.
This configuration bestows charm, social grace, and good manners. It helps with good timing in relation to financial affairs, public relations, partnerships, social activities, and marriage. Harry Styles is likely to gain the approval of his society, and to keep in step with current vogues and economic trends.
This position could indicate unrealistic ambitions which are greater than his abilities to achieve. Time at home could be excessive, and careers involved with the home could be more satisfactory. It could also indicate a large family which could over-burden him with responsibility.
This square ties his condition to mass karma, and Harry Styles is likely to feel that he has the weight of the whole world upon his shoulders. Actually, it is beyond his powers and responsibilities to help Saturn “discipline” the “underworld” of Pluto! However, he may feel he has to resort to strong measures to achieve professional goals. Beware of the temptation to use occult forces to attain power over others. Use his psychic connections to keep his own house in order.
This aspect can cause him to express aggressive tendencies at inappropriate times and places. His attitudes and impulses are likely to be different from accepted standards of society. He will need to practice acceptance of and harmony with his environment.
This aspect happens about every 170 years. It will be exact on February 2, 1992, but these two planets orbited within one degree of each other for several years in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s. The aspect indicates a time of major progress for the generation it is transiting. Personal influences in the natal chart bestows a search for Divine wisdom and love.
This aspect can indicate a natural attunement with the forces of nature. He could be extremely psychic, and will need to develop these powers in positive ways. Harry Styles is likely to make new discoveries in Nature or metaphysics. He could become involved in some movement toward regeneration of the earth as a result of personal discoveries.
This configuration provides a special knack for seeing through prevailing social trends and provides the necessary drive and willpower to take advantage of them. His approach may be very deliberate and calculated in making changes for his personal advantage. He should take care not to overestimate his power and try to avoid getting in over his head.
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Charlie Hawes has developed a fascination for the spiritual and metaphysical world around us. He enjoys researching and sharing ideas about how to better understand ourselves and the worlds we live in. Read more