Friends are a huge part of anyone’s life. They offer us love, support, and acceptance in a world where everyone is trying to be different from one another. Sometimes we need to spend time with them just for the sake of spending time with them, even if it means staying in on a Friday night! In this blog post, I will tell you about the Best crystals for hanging out with friends and which ones you should use, and in what situations.


Helps with self-control, patience, and humility


What is Amethyst?

The deep purple color of this crystal is caused by the presence of iron. Crystals form in groups or veins in pegmatites, which are rocks made up of large crystals that grew slowly over time. Amethyst can also be found as a result of contact metamorphism. That’s when heated material burrows into nearby rock and changes its composition with distinctive textures and colors, turning it an even deeper shade of purple.

Amethyst is one of the best crystals for hanging out with friends because it helps self-control, patience, and humility while reducing anxiety [and increasing focus.] These traits enable the user to put their best foot forward when in the company of friends, thereby managing difficult social situations which otherwise could be intolerable.

You know how much your friends mean to you. You may not be able to live without them, but sometimes they’re just too much for you to handle. It can be hard to get away from them because of their good intentions and constant invitations. That’s why it’s so important that you take care of yourself when spending time with people who are dear to your heart.

Amethyst crystals can help make positive changes in friendships by helping us communicate more effectively. If you’re about to face one of those moments where your friend is feeling unloved or unsupported, try using amethysts around them and see how it influences the conversation.

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Clear Quartz

Increases energy levels and stimulates the mind

Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz is often found in natural forms like clusters, crystals, and pointy outcroppings. It can also form smooth, highly polished crystals with spear-shaped terminations called “points”.

The color clear quartz comes from it’s pure internal structure – silicon dioxide or silica (the same material as sand or glass) bonded together with oxygen. Clear quartz is perhaps the most versatile of all the crystalline varieties because its external form doesn’t change much with different impurities…

The energy that emerges from any crystal depends on what material it’s made of and how it was formed. Clear Quartz is exceptional because it not only picks up negative ions during formation but retains them to emit slow-moving positive waves of light for healing work – speeding cellular repair, restoring energy levels, and balancing the body.

Clear Quartz crystals are one of the best crystals for friendship because they have unique energy waves that can be used in different ways to increase positive interactions with family, friends, coworkers, and anyone else. Clear Quartz, therefore, is a highly versatile crystal variety.

Clear Quartz has the power to emit slow-moving positive waves of light for healing work. When it comes to spending time with friends you love who may need extra words of encouragement or healing during tough times Clear Quartz is the ideal choice of crystal.

It helps you embrace your friendships at their best by giving you less destructive thoughts while increasing your mental clarity!

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Encourages happiness and success in life


Citrine is used to promote health, happiness, and success in life.

It strengthens the solar plexus, which can make you feel more confident and energized. It also provides calming properties during times of stress or anxiety. Citrine allows us to drift away engrossed in our own imagination – inspiring creativity at any age!

Citrine is used for removing energy blockages, making it an excellent crystal for past-life work as well as dream recall or lucid dreaming. Citrine is offered as a gift by godmothers to godchildren on All Hallow’s Eve for protection against nightmares that night.

Citrine is one of the best crystals for a friendship because it helps build a stronger connection with the group and improves their system by being more forgiving, helpful, and happy. It is also used to increase physical energy as well as mental clarity which can help you have better conversations at any time.

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Rose Quartz

For love of oneself or others; also promotes inner peace 

rose quartz

Rose Quartz is a type of quartz crystal. Its name comes from the familiar color of one of the most common varieties, but it can also range in a number of colors including lavender, pink, vibrant rose, and deep rose.

Rose Quartz strongly resonates with our heart chakra and self-love/higher self-work. It has been known to promote deep inner peace as well as love for oneself and others. Those new to crystals often find just touching these soft little gems brings them instant calm!

Rose quartz palettes are extensively palletized into shades that can be used anywhere from an abundance charm to truly embodying love by carrying one inside your wallet.

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Calms the nerves while balancing emotions 


Selenite is a mineral composed mostly of the compound Gypsum. Selenite can be found as a crystal clear block or cluster that ranges in color from white to pink. Selenite is often used for sedation, clearing negativity, and boosting self-esteem, as well as balancing emotions and calming the nerves.

Vitality: As the first stone for those with anxiety issues or exhaustion, selenite is an excellent grounding crystal capable of alleviating bad energy quickly by absorbing it from tense areas of your body such as your head and gut before redirecting it gently outwards through the feet.

Empathy & Psychic Awareness: This beautiful quartz veils feelings under its lambent iridescence – allowing you to understand your feelings, and be able to discern your own emotions without projecting them onto others. Selenite is also very helpful for discerning the truth in everyday life by cutting through deception with its clear white light of neutrality thus allowing you to see all sides clearly before making a decision or judgment call.

Selenite has an almost invisible quality about it that helps you to see beyond the surface of things, and its light-body is also excellent for transmitting information from your guides.

When you find that a friendship is strained, this is the perfect gemstone to remove negativity and get you feeling centered and confident.

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Turquoise (or other blue stones)

Aids in communication skills, creativity, and intuition


Turquoise’s color suggests the ancient Persian association of green with fertility or natural life. Its blue suggests rain or rainfall which echoes ancient beliefs that rains were good for crops and being in the rain was healthy.

Turquoise’s colors may have lent to its reputation as a stone imbued with significant importance due to these associations – both real, perceived, or constructed.

The beautiful deep green color also suggested vitality through its vividness. Indeed it is one of the hardest semi-precious stones thus creating an impression among indigenous people of strong medicine properties concerning health and healing because this was coupled with folklore that it had special properties for helping wounds heal faster.

Throughout time, turquoise has also been associated with spirituality related to its sky-blue color, which is associated with the heavens. It was believed to protect against dark spirits and encourage communication between this world and other worlds or dimensions of existence, including those beyond death. It has also been known as a stone that helped access past lives through dreams – thus linking it to reincarnation/rebirth cycles.

Turquoise has been seen as a protective stone for both its spiritual properties and because of the human associations with it. A number of cultures have used turquoise to protect from negative energy, dark spirits or death.

It is also an excellent stone for creative expression by encouraging spontaneity in your life – especially when you are feeling blocked creatively. It is a stone that encourages you to take action and be more spontaneous in your life.

Depending on the wearer’s intent, turquoise has been used as a good luck charm for attracting money because of its association with prosperity or it may also have been used by those desiring love – especially if worn over the heart chakra.

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Smokey quartz

Smokey quartz crystals are known as “the hug stone” because they emit a calming aroma that makes them perfect for snuggling up with your besties

Smokey quartz

Smokey quartz is a deep bluish-grey variety of quartz that ranges from white to dark brown

Soot from forest fires feels entrancing. The smokey experience will teach you patience and the power it takes to lie dormant for centuries, only to be unleashed by an instant of fire and become a force so fierce and captivating.

Smoke has always been connected with mystery and life’s power. The study of darkened glass windows – darkened because they once reflected sunlight before seeing its heart through darkness, or through dimness before turning into luminous glasses – leads us to see these windows as our own inner-eyes which we might just stare at for hours on end!

The smoke engulfing the dark recesses of Earth consists out of these tiny particles that will eventually turn into stars, and each one of us is a star in the making. The smokey quartz crystal carries the seed-essence of this process within its core – it wants to take you back home after all this time!

Smokey Quartz crystals are known as “the hug stone” because they emit a calming aroma that makes them perfect for snuggling up with your besties.

It is a stone of grounding and relaxation, that helps to calm the mind during times of stress or worry. Smokey Quartz can be used in meditation to release negative energy and emotions trapped within our cells – clearing these obstacles allows us to achieve higher levels of awareness.

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Has a grounding quality to it, which can be helpful when you’re feeling scattered or overwhelmed


Aventurine has a grounding quality to it, which can be helpful when you’re feeling scattered or overwhelmed.

Aventurine is used for healing issues with your heart, kidneys, liver and the limbs. It is very good for reducing pain in muscles and headaches due to sinus congestion. Aventurine also helps clear up vocal ailments like hoarseness or throat irritation plus it improve concentration of speech impediments like stuttering.

Even though Aventurines works well with the heart more than anything else this crystal is known more of soothing mental conditions rather than physical conditions since they are connected with anxiety and worry that gives us trouble sleeping or leads us into insomnia. There are many people who swear by this power of the green stone as it is known to be a powerful healer and can also protect from electromagnetic smog.

When you feel that spending time with friends is becoming difficult because of the stress you feel in life, this stone will help you overcome that barrier to a healthier friendship.

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Helps make connections between ideas and feelings, so if you want to get more centered before meeting friends this would be the best crystal to use.


Fluorite is a beautiful mineral, a chemical known as Fluorspar. The name comes from the Latin word meaning “flux”. This type of crystal’s striking purple-blue color reveals that it contains certain quantities of copper and manganese oxides together with calcium fluoride which produces an excellent surface for deep etching or carving detail.

Fluorite helps make connections between ideas and feelings, so if you want to get more centered before meeting friends this would be the best crystal to use. Overcoming anxiety is another matter where Fluorite has been very successful in its ability to help relieve anxiety by creating balance in relationships or understanding desires deeply rooted within our inner being.

You should energize Fluorite in the morning when you wake up to keep your mind sharp and focused for all of the workday ahead. Putting one on each shoulder, right at heart level is ideal since it will help with relieving stress while also increasing concentration so that you can accomplish what needs to be done without getting distracted or overwhelmed by everything coming your way.

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Will bring peace of mind – it’s known as “the tranquilizer” because of its ability to calm your emotions quickly.


Jade is a type of the mineral nephrite, formed from the metamorphism of either iddingsite or serpentine.

It is typically quarried in regions with dry climates. The color ranges from white to green to a near-black body tone. It can be translucent or semitransparent. Known as “the tranquilizer” because it calms emotions quickly, it brings peace and patience by eliminating feelings of agitation and irritability which can cause sleep disorders, eating disorders, anger issues, and mood swings.

Jade absorbs negative energy as long as you keep them in your home or carry them with you on your body at all times for protection especially if there are children present.” Best crystals for hanging out with friends”.

Jade is one of the best crystals for hanging out with friends because it helps to stabilize emotions and reduce stress. It’s known as “the tranquilizer” because of its ability to calm your emotions quickly. People seek this stone out when they’re feeling angry, anxious, or depressed.

For elemental reasons, jade also encourages stability in friendships while deepening the connection between friends through generosity and goodwill. Jade should be used in moderation – too much can lead to boredom, fostering an excessive need for excitement which isn’t beneficial to friendship dynamics.

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Beneficial for people who are trying to stay grounded while also being open to new possibilities


Chrysoprase is a type of gemstone and a member of the quartz family. It ranges in color from apple green to deep forest green and can be translucent or opaque, with individual crystals having small cracks visible within the stone.

It will help people who are trying to stay grounded while also being open to new possibilities. It’s one of the rarest stones because it requires high concentrations for any color to develop which also helps maintain its great protective qualities such as blocking energy leaks, radiation, and magical attack forces.

This crystal is well known for its strong willpower once they’re cleared free from attachments if you want this crystal around your person at all times to protect you against environmental stresses then Jade would be the best choice since it’s powerful and has been known to protect against envy and other forms of negative energies.

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Charlie Hawes
Charlie Hawes

Charlie Hawes has developed a fascination for the spiritual and metaphysical world around us. He enjoys researching and sharing ideas about how to better understand ourselves and the worlds we live in. Read more